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Posts posted by rexjc

  1. On 5/28/2024 at 7:32 AM, PinkElephant said:

    My opinion is different: They actually started to work on the Scannable app now - which is more we could have said for the last couple of years. The app did never get much love, and remained with an outdated UI and quite backwards, compared to other scanner apps.

    It seems it will get a thorough relaunch. As usual the first releases focus on core technology, and will not be feature complete.

    You can send you development wishes here: feedback@evernote.com


    On 5/28/2024 at 12:44 AM, andy_vdg said:

    Evernote user here... also want to say how annoying this new "feature" is that just puts every scan straight to my inbox. I have automations set up that take my receipts and put them into my accounting app which all take 7 more steps now because I have to open Evernote, find the note, tap multiple times to get the darn move note to open and then move it to the correct notebook. 

    I get that there is "ending free offerings" but there is also good and bad design and this falls into the bad design category. 

    Agreed! To disrupt a current user and customers work flow is not cool!

  2. On 5/25/2024 at 12:46 PM, PinkElephant said:

    As EN user you are free to continue using Scannable. For everybody else it doesn't make much sense any more.

    The new owners are ending all Free offers the former management accumulated. You can think about it what you want - but what the former management did was not sustainable for sure. The company was in the red year by year, consuming all income and investors money. Recommending it in such conditions was brave ...

    If you want a free scanner app, try Lens from Microsoft.

    I never knew that EN was free, being an EN user I figured it was part of the cost of Evernote to use this app and to take away the features that I was using has upset and disappointed me! .

  3. On 5/24/2024 at 7:13 AM, PinkElephant said:

    Expect you will ...

    It‘s fine for everybody using EN - and intentionally useless for everybody else now.

    I would not be surprised to see the functionality integrated into EN as next step.

    No! it's not fine for everybody using EN. I pay and use EN and this update sucks and it waist my time moving my scans to the proper categories. It was Simple and fast, now it's not!

  4. On 5/21/2024 at 4:58 PM, evernotemmm said:

    With the latest version of Scannable (3.0) on IOS, the option to have the scans save to a specific Evernote folder is no longer present, so now it just saves to the default Evernote folder. Now this adds more steps to move the scans to a different folder in evernote.

    Also, you use to be able to scan and then "send" button which would bring up the share sheet option in IOS, now it just saves to Evernote with no direct sending option. This also adds additional time and steps when scanning a document that I want saved to evernote but may want to immediately message or airdrop as well, now I have to go into evernote after the scan and do it.

    Seems as though a step back in functionality and efficiency.


    Totally agree, this new update is a step backward!

  5. On 5/28/2024 at 1:46 PM, John C Nab said:

    I am an almost daily user of Scannable and am very disappointed in the lost functionality. I sent an email to feedback@evernote.com to see if any information about the future of the app can be provided. In the meantime I am looking for other options. I do not use Microsoft, so am curious about other recommendations for a scanning app with the functionality we lost this last week. Thank you.

    I sent an email too with no response!

  6. On 5/25/2024 at 9:22 AM, DrMartin said:

    I have been using SCANNABLE as my main scan to email App for years and now there is no scan to email function?  WTH?

    They call this an upgrade? More like a disaster.

    First they do away with the EN legacy format which was way better than the new EN web-based format and now they destroy the functionality of SCANNABLE?

    Who the hell is in control of this thing and why do they believe that deleting functions that were the reason why they had users is a good thing?

    I used to recommend SCANNABLE and EN to all of my clients. Now I am telling them to avoid them like the plague!

    Agree! They took away almost everything, I can’t even select a category after I do a scan. The go to Evernote button on the bottom is in the way and it sucks, matter fact this whole new version sucks! I finally got the app to be perfect and now they destroyed it! Matter fact, I think I’m gonna delete and cancel my Evernote if they don’t get this fixed really fast!

  7. Every time there is an update with the Scannable app I have to go into settings and reset everything back to what I had set before the update happened. Please fix this to where it automatically keeps the users settings. This would make me a really happy person. Because I get pissed off every time I have to do it after an update.

    All my other apps keep the user settings after an update, don’t know why this app doesn’t do that.

  8. Every time there is a Scannable app update, I have to go into settings and set everything back to what I have already set before the update.

    I shouldn’t have to go back in and make sure my settings are right. This really pisses me off every time. I have to re-login, I have to set it to save to Evernote, and I have to set save location. Plus it takes me a while to figure out where the settings are at. Yeah this might be petty but it really pisses me off. 
    This is the only app that does this, I don’t have to do the above after updates on any of my other apps!

    Please fix this!

  9. Every time you update the freaking app you make me reset the darn settings, ( location and always save to Evernote) back to what what I had set!. I have to do this every darn time! And it always happen on the most inappropriate time when I really needed to use the app. I so frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It should be easy to keep MY default setting on an upgrade!

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