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Posts posted by Orsweeb

  1. For sure, each one is individual, there is no such a thing as universal CRM. CRM enables businesses to build, manage, and maintain relationships with current and potential customers while also streamlining their procedures. Quality Assurance and Customer Association Management have a close relationship. The majority of software solutions fall into one of two or more CRM categories. For the categories which I am working with, I connect pipedrive to google BigQuery with Coupler.io, and this way I can manage the data very efficiently.

  2. I think that network security is one of the most essential points. We have to be very careful in this digital world. Having a sound network security system is fundamental to keep your personal information unphotographed, private, and secure. If we let some people get access to our personal information, they could do anything they want with it. That means not just thinking about protecting your data but also making tough decisions about who to share it with and how. That's why I hired a security specialist to help me with this question.


    Well, I think that you are not supposed to worry about it as much as you have a VPN provider. Anyway, it’s not always as comfy as this and when you want to change something about your payment method there is always a way to do it with no VPN and for life. If you are not able to manage it yourself, and I assume that you are not, you can go and seek for help to a company like intl-payments.com. It’s a company that is positioning themselves on the market as e-commerce professionals that can solve every problem related to this topic. As a matter of fact, though, it’s always good to have a company like that to guide you, at least.


  4. I tried contacting google about it but didn't seem like getting an answer soon. It would be lovely to have such a future available in the near term future. I'm running projects for my company using Google sheets a lot and I would definitely love to add a shortcut on my desktop for some of my notes on Evernote. Unfortunately I haven't managed to do it yet as I have managed to transfer important data from Google Analytics https://blog.coupler.io/google-analytics-to-google-sheets/ to my current sheets allowing me to have a broader overview of different aspects that are way too important for me to not have listed.

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