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Everything posted by RicardoA

  1. We can currently select multiple notes and move them into another Notebook. I would like to also be able to have the option to copy/duplicate multiple notes into another Notebook. Motivation This is possibly a very personal workflow so maybe your product teams have everything else in mind that helps solve this I typically have a Notebook per "project" (this being my inspiration for what a project is) and each project always contains the same set of "default" notes One of these notes I call "ℹ️ Readme" and it serves a purpose similar to a GitHub's project readme file (it introduces the project and it's objectives) Every time I create a new project Notebook, I copy these notes from another Notebook called "Templates" I know I can have note templates, but I'm looking for something closer to a "Notebook template" I currently either copy each of these template notes one-by-one or use the mobile version of Evernote (old phone so I'm on the "old" Evernote) and use the "Duplicate" option that allows to duplicate multiple notes into another notebook.
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