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Ju P

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Posts posted by Ju P

  1. Hello, Evernote 10.41 for Android here and I also face reccuring lags.
    On the other side, I use Evernote 10.47.7-win-ddl-public (3730) for Windows on my computer.
    For the record, I currently have 209 notebooks and 3000 notes (but it was happening before I get so much)


    It happens by example when I click on the tick to backup the note, most of the time it never changes to the back arrow, so I'm stuck there

    Though, it looks like it stays recorded locally if I wait a bit. So if I crash the app after some seconds, start it again, I can synchronize my new datas.

    Also, when I try to synchronize manually (notes screen, pulling down), sometimes it never finish, sometimes it finish fast but it's not synchronized.


    I noticed that when one note lags, if I click on something that brings a pop-up, it seems like by coming back often I take back control of the note and can continue (but it's not nice to do that all the time)


    I also think that it takes a bit more time to load a note that has several pictures inside, but it doesn't seem to be the main problem at all, probably just some added delays to the usual lag.


    Also, I think I started to face these problems after switching to the mode where you have to unlock the edition mode in the notes by clicking the related button. It's useful and convenient but it looks like buggy for now.

    There is always a lag before going in editing mode.

    So I have removed it, but it's still in hybrid mode, some notes shows the button, some others don't.

    Maybe all the problem is located there.


    Hello, Evernote 10.47.7-win-ddl-public (3730) for Windows here, with Windows 10

  2. Hello, as an intensive user of Evernote, I group ideas in notebooks, and notebooks by themes, and major themes by stacks of notebooks.

    I'm very happy of those features and it brings a well organized layout.

    Though, since the backup (export) system has been modified, and that now I have more than 200 notebooks, it's impossible to back it up manually. I cannot use a backup software as well, since the local saves are not reachable since v10.x

    I would please request the possibility to be able at least to be able to export the stacks, if it's not possible to have a global export for the moment

  3. 9 hours ago, gazumped said:

    I'm not sure that there was a v9.x for any device. 6.25 is the correct (legacy) version for Windows desktop - what's your OS? 

    Oh really ? I had no idea, I thought they published multiples releases since v7.x, I did not checked regularly given that updates were smoother.

    I'm on Windows 10. If v7 is the public version before v10 then yes I feel safer to install it.

  4. Hello, since the last major upgrade of Evernote, I face the problem that everything is blurred badly

    the menu is not readable, the notes are like blurred/greyed :


    - it's only happening in Evernote

    - I have a classic Windows 10 Pro, a standard nVidia GeForce GTX 1060, Evernote 10.5.7

    I don't do Windows OS updates, only security updates. Windows version is 1041.685 with Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0

    - I found that topic :

    It improved the blurring problem, but if I don't have Evernote as the current active program, it comes back to blurred (example, if I'm currently using Firefox, but Evernote is opened on another screen and passive). I never had this problem with Evernote before the major version upgrade.


    I was thinking to install the previous offical version  that was perfect, but the only older official version is a 7.x so for the moment I fear to loose things if I migrate from v10.x new format to so far back in time.


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