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Everything posted by stymiee

  1. Clearly this functionality is not available in the new version of Evernote. To regain this functionality I had to install the Legacy Evernote. One thing to note, the location of the ENScript.exe executable has changed. It is now located at: C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Evernote\"Evernote Legacy"\ENScript.exe and the full command to back up from the command line is now: C:\"Program Files (x86)"\Evernote\"Evernote Legacy"\ENScript.exe exportNotes /q any: /f "Y:\Backups\Evernote\backup.enex"
  2. After updating to v10.4.4 I am no longer able to create an enex file from the command line. Previously I could execute C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Apps\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe exportNotes /q any: /f "Y:\Backups\Evernote\backup.enex" That executable no longer exists. Is there a replacement? Did it move somewhere I simply have not looked yet?
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