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Posts posted by liaquila

  1. Bom dia

    Sou assinante do Plus e estou querendo migrar meu plano para Premim. Quando eu entro no site do Evernote e vejo o valor do planos, aparece que o Premium é R$9,00 por mês.

    Entretanto, quando eu faço login e tento fazer o upgrade, só me aparece a cobrança dizendo que o valor é U$7,99 dolares por mês ou U$69,99 dolares por ano...

    Hoje eu pago R$44,90 (reais) por ano pelo plano Plus. Estou disposta a pagar R$9,90 (reais) por mês, mas U$7,99 (dolares) dariam cerca de 50 reais por mês!!! Inviável....

    Não consigo abrir um ticket para a Evernote com essa dúvida porque o plano Plus parece não permitir esse tipo de contato. Alguém tem ideia de como proceder? Não gostaria de fazer uma assinatura nova com outra conta de e-mail e depois ter que migrar todas as minhas notas manualmente.

    Agradeço quem tiver alguma informação sobre o assunto


  2. Hi

    Can't save and share pdfs on Android anymore. I have a Galaxy S21 Ultra and Galaxy Tab 7 and in both devices I can't either open the pdf in another app and then share it and when I try to download the pdf to my device the saved file is always corrupted and don't open in any app.

    Please Evernote developers fix the problems before implement any more new features!!!

    I'm a long time user and all my documents to receipts are in Evernote. I need it to work well. It's part of my daily workload.

    To keep going I had to install latest version 8 to be able to use Evernote. Done it by installing a app that I found in a forum. I don't want to do that for secure issues.

    Please fix the bugs. The problems people all over the Internet are reporting about version 10 are not minor.

  3. I vote for that too. At least for Android (I'm using it on Galaxy S21 and Tab S7) the version 10 is not working very well.

    I need to be able to opens and share the pdfs that I have in my notes. But it's not possible anymore. The pdfs don't open in other apps and when I download it to my device the fil is always corrupted.

    Offer the possibility to download the 8 version from Playstore. I had to download a app that I found in the Internet but I don't like to do it for obvious security issues.

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  4. Hi. I can't open pdf in other apps too. I can't share a pdf . When I try to download lod it the resulting file saved in my phone is corrupted. 

    Please please fix that! I uninstalled the latest version of Evernote and installed previous version 8 using apk that I found in the Internet.

    I've been using Evernote since it's beginning but I need to be able to share the pdfs that I store in Evernote. Otherwise it's worthless 

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