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Posts posted by Art2345

  1. The only reason I use Evernote is so I can have synced content on my Android phone and windows computer.  New Evernote?  Really really really hate it. 

    So, I see I can switch back to Legacy on my computer.  But, what about Android?  Apparently I have to live with this crappy version there?  Why would I want to endure having to work with this horrible app on my phone? 

    Is it possible to switch back to Legacy on my phone?  I really hate the idea of having to migrate.  But, honestly, if I were a new user considering Evernote, I'd see this Android version and move on to a different solution.  Can we PLEASE have a legacy version for Android / IOS. 

  2. When I close a program, I want it to close.  I don't want it to simply minimize to the system tray, or send another feature I never use to the system tray (such as the scratch pad).  For that matter, I respect software developers who provide control of their product's behavior to the end user.  The lack of significant control of any preferences in Evernote is quite irritating.  

    I want control of the items that run in the background on my machine.  If you have a fix, I'll be incredibly grateful.  If you don't, I'll just uninstall and move to a different product that respects their users enough to allow them to make their own choices.

    Thanks very much.

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