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Posts posted by Frustrated-with-v10.x.x

  1. I frequently forward emails to Evernote for tracking and scheduling. Some of the emails have email trackers. My email client blocks the trackers. The email trackers are live after they hit Evernote. It would be awesome for Evernote to enable an additional privacy/security feature to block email trackers.

  2. On 2/7/2021 at 7:10 PM, robinrobin said:

    omg, I thought this was just my imagination, but this is happening to me too!  I was thinking I mistakenly hit a button, but it has happened too many times now and I am sure I have not.   Something is triggering it to refocus to the top of the note.  Have you put a bug report in for this?  I have not as I have had others that are more important.. but now that I see other people are having this same issue I should enter a case.

    I am experiencing this same cursor hoping issue on all platforms - Mac, iPad, and iPhone. One more point, after the cursor hops to the top of the Note, the Note is duplicated 1 or more times.

  3. I feel your pain fellow Premium EN members. I use EN across multiple devices - Winblowz laptop, Mac Air, iPad, and iPhone. EN v10.x.x has failed on Winblowz, MacAir, and iPad. EN v10.x.x has been duplicating notes. I have experienced some lame message about "duplicate note has been found" or something similar. I spend a few minutes to diff the notes to identify the current version. More recently EN v10.x.x prompts with a dialog that it failed to save and all my entries prior to the save are obliterated.

    OneNote is looking like a good alternate solution. Does anyone know how to export from EN and import to OneNote?

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