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Everything posted by niknik1971

  1. If there was some quick actions in the notification area (New quick note, new camera note... new scribble note etc) that would be handy.
  2. I would like to be able to just show notes, like the legacy version of Evernote To not show all the other things that are now in the latest version of Evernote.
  3. I use excel and the main look of the program has not really changed that much. Evernote has changed quite a bit though As I pay a yearly subscription what is wrong with me wanting it to look how I want it to look. I am willing to pay money every year just to have an app to take and show my notes. If you can tailor the home screen why not let me Taylor it to just show my notes and nothing else?
  4. I have moved back to the legacy version as I REALLY do NOT like the look of the new version. I just want my notes and not all the glut of other stuff that comes with the new version. If I could get the new version to look like the legacy version I would move up to it in a heart beat.
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