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Oren Hurvitz

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  1. Fixed! The problem is that Evernote turned off Hardware Acceleration. I wasn't even aware that this option exists; perhaps it's new, and it defaults to "Off"? Anyway, enabling hardware acceleration (in "Tools > Settings") solved the problem. In a fit of UI brilliance, you have to turn off the checkbox in order to enable hardware acceleration:
  2. This problem is happening on the Mac version of Evernote as well! See:
  3. Where did you find an older version of Evernote? I only see such versions on third-party sites and I'm afraid to download from them in case they contain a virus.
  4. I tried that, including uninstalling with Revo Uninstaller and reinstalling. Same problem.
  5. This has happened to me too. I updated to 10.67.2 today, and immediately Evernote slowed to a crawl! Typing stutters, and even just moving the mouse over the list of notes on the left side lags (the highlight doesn't move fast enough to track the mouse). It's horrible!
  6. I do not. Evernote has been working fine for years, and only started crashing very recently. I haven't installed any new apps.
  7. @Seboune I do have a password manager (Bitwarden) but that can't be the problem because it's not something that runs all the time: it's a separate app. Also, one of my experiments was to restart the phone to see if Evernote would work then, and it didn't.
  8. This happens to me, too. About 1-2 weeks ago Evernote for Android started crashing whenever I start it. I uninstalled and reinstalled and then it worked a few more days, until it started crashing again. I again uninstalled and reinstalled, and again it worked for a few more days before it started crashing. I'm discouraged so I haven't "fixed" it again because I don't see the point. I used to pay for Evernote Premium but stopped because of the price hike. I'm still willing to pay for it, but I will only pay for a working product! This crash, along with a few high-priority bugs on the Windows app, are what's keeping me from becoming a paying customer again.
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