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Everything posted by k9crp871

  1. I have the same problem. On my desktop "@ 08 AUG " is at the top of the list but on my Android it's at the bottom. Plus one other note is out of order on the Android and I can't edit that note on my Android phone. It's the only note I can't edit.
  2. I for one am not happy with the latest changes and this check (box)-(List) one is not helpful for me. I have a very looong list of check listed items from the old version and I do not want the strikethrough to happen. Not only that, but when I opened my note in the new version about 2/3rds of the list were checkboxes and the last 1/3rd were checklists (with the strikethrough). It took some time to track down the difference (box vs list) and a bit of trial and error to get the checkbox in front of every item and get them "checked". However - when I press enter to add a new item it changes 1/3rd of my list back to to the checklist style and adds the strikethrough. I can get back out of it using the delete key. So I tried just moving down to the next line (no box no nothing) and hit return. Again 1/3rd of my list switched to checklist and the rest stayed checkbox. How about adding a checkbox and then hit enter? Still converted 1/3rd of my list to checklist (with strikethrough). I'm not about to redo the whole list (it's very looong) so am I stuck with having to go through physical gymnastics (enter/mouse/click/delete/enter/etc) every time I want to add to my list? No thanks Evernote - this update is not for me.
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