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Posts posted by LuckyPressure

  1. The terms 'bloated codebase' and 'widget' do not mix my friend... The terms 'widget' and 'frivolous gimmick' (<- ❤️) however do mix very well. Letting an intern work on a well defined subdomain with restricted kernel access is ofcourse, from a business perspective, the ideal way to let that intern become familiar with the api's and interfaces... I will desist from refuting these unfounded weak objections now, jeesh...

  2. Dear community and Evernote team,

    I recently updated to 10.4.3 and found that my clickable hyperlinked images were no longer clickable in the same way. They no longer acted as anchors and the URL I added using Ctrl/Cmd+K appeared below the image in the o so familiar blue color. I really liked this functionality and have no idea why it has been removed. I waited for the minor update to see whether this kink would be smoothed out but am now on 10.4.4 and the "problem" persists. Clicking my hyperlinked text doesn't even immediately direct me to the address anymore. It now first displays a tooltip containing the address which then can be clicked to redirect.

    Why has the option to add a link to an image been removed?

    Will it return?

    Can I choose to have anchors immediately direct me to the corresponding URL onClick?

        If not, is this a feature that is coming down the pipeline?


    I hope you can find the time to answer my questions,



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