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About scream966

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  1. i have the same problem.windows version( 10.3.7) is showing less than 100 notes while compared to ipad version(8.24.6)
  2. i am using evernote on ipad ,windows pc and mobile phone.recently after latest update of evenote, i can see my number of notes reduced to 675 from 954 in windows evernote while ipad still shows all 950 evernotes(even after syncing). then i opened evernote in web ,this shows 673 notes (even after sync). why this variance ? i found some notebook stacks in ipad which was removed in windows evernote after update, how can i get those stacks in windows directly ?( If i manually copy each note in that stack to some other common stack( present both in windows and ipad) ,it is getting updated) but how to do it for whole stack as i cant do it for all 270 notes
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