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Posts posted by sjrixon

  1. 18 hours ago, gazumped said:

    So I'm currently looking at it as:  someone apparently running a hugely successful AI-linked mobile app company recently bought Evernote outright.  They have big plans,  but being based in Europe have moved operations there to make it easier to achieve their ambition.  Beyond the fact that they have been working to speed up operations for the last 6 months or so,  Evernote has continued as before.  If that changes I'll be ready to move on.  Unless that actually happens I'd regard any time spent on finding something "better" is a total waste of time and effort. 

    But your choice - there were something like 80 different note-taking apps available last time I looked,  and your preferences will be affected by your OS and your needs.  Most of them have some sort of free use period,  so some practical tests might be possible.  Have fun.

    You read my mind... Well said..

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  2. Joining in on this one.. 

    I've played with lots of the competition, and nothing does it quite like Evernote. - My biggest moan at the moment is the Gmail plugin takes an age to load!

    But.. The simplicity of a shared notebook, shared with my Wife doesn't exist anywhere else. - Yes, you can pay for 2 premium accounts, but her use isn't high enough. I create 98% of the content. 

    I've just had a big notebook clean-up, exported a lot of legacy, deleted loads of old tags and I'm going to lean back into Evernote. Spoons, please don't let me regret this! ;)

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  3. 1 hour ago, ODB said:

    For me and many other people this is such a sorely needed feature. I can forgive Evernote's other shortcomings but it's the closest product on the market I can see right now that meets my needs. I've been an Evernote user for many years now and although I'm not currently a paying customer, would gladly do so if this feature were implemented.

    Evernote dev team, please roadmap Archiving (and let us know you've done so!).

    Well said! I don't like most of the solution proposed here, we need something more technical. I'm still an active premium user, but right now I won't be renewing in 5 months when it's due. This won't be tough to do!

  4. Hi... 

    I'm about to switch jobs and have as you would expect a couple of dedicated notebooks for my old role. I've marked the notes as Archive, moved them all into one notebook. Then my plan is to use Evernote2Onenote http://stefanstools.sourceforge.net/Evernote2Onenote.html to export and then import.

    The nice thing about OneNote is that it is easy to attach a notebook when you need it and drop it when you don't. As they are files they can just live in a cloud storage location.

    If I didn't do this, my searches would keep bringing up old notes that I don't want to see. But I don't want to delete them and when someone asks for some old information, I can just load up the file. Simple!

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