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Posts posted by kthesun

  1. Guys, I've just downloaded the new Evernote version for Windows. I expected absolutely nothing and I am really happy now. Thank you. This is the best Evernote Update I've experienced since 3 years Evernote 10 launched. Apparently you finally managed to get back to business. I love it! Thanks. I was so damn frustrated of the path Evernote went to and now I have some confidence that it could get better in the future. 

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  2. 39 minutes ago, AlexLex said:

    Notion is a good tool for organising ideas, processes and to work in teams.

    However, I don't find Notion a suitable tool for storing large quantities of scanned documents.

    In fact, I can't find any tool as efficient, fast and effective as Evernote Legacy for storing large quantities of scanned documents such as PDFs.

    For these reasons, I think we should do everything we can to keep Evernote Legacy.

    As you can see I am also still here. Because I am using Evernote since 2011 and I've put tenthousands of hours in my notes. Moving somewhere else always means to lose some of your work. That's the reason why I don't do it and I guess the new owner of Evernote had the same insight.  

    The problem is that we right now don't know what the intention of the new owner is (what they communicate officially is usually just PR bla bla, their real intentions are written in the patch notes). 

    I hope they really want to develop Evernote further and make it to a software that is even better than Evernote Legacy that you are missing. We will find it out.

    Regarding Evernote Legacy: I have it installed on an old laptop and it stopped syncing on the day they introduced the new sync. It won't come back. It just makes no sense for them and I understand it. It's nearly impossible to maintain such an outdated code base and it's extremely expensive.



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  3. 11 hours ago, AlexLex said:

    OK, so let's raise funds to make a spin-off and operate Evernote Legacy through the community.

    There's always a solution!

    How old are you? Your entire text is written like a 4th grader essay.

    Move on to Notion like everyone else does and get over it. Evernote is gone. They weren't able to achieve the high expectations venture capital firms had on them so they got sold to someone who knows how to press as much money as possible out of the lazy and locked it customer base (like me for example). 


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  4. 10 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    Lots of opinion presented as fact here. I assume "5 cent" is metaphorical, but how could any of us know what that programming change would cost? A number of people here seem to think that Evernote's business strategy is based on irritating them. And, of course, assume that "useful" only means useful to them. Please allow the rest of us to have a purpose as Evernote users.

    Leaving all that aside, I'm trying to envision how a feature to manually change the updated date would work. I assume that would mean also preventing the program from actually updating that field when the note is edited, otherwise how could it work reliably? But then the field name "updated date" no longer has any meaning. Since there are a number of people who want this, maybe Evernote should simply introduce a separate date metadata field, something like "tracking date," so that it would be possible both to do what some users want to do with date metadata, and to know when the note was last updated.

    You remember that Evernote had this crazy feature  until Evernote 10, right? 

    Evernote will surely vanish in a few years. Look at the App Store ratings. There are dozens of better apps for new users. Only reason Evernote still exists is because they can blackmail their existing users who are locked in due to many years of usage and thousands of notes 


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  5. On 8/8/2023 at 9:02 PM, PinkElephant said:

    Just for completeness: Only works on desktop, not possible on mobile.

    Changing the updated date wouldn’t make sense - it is updated Automat after many actions, so it would likely be overwritten very fast.

    That's bullshit. But that's typical for the new, bad product vision of Evernote. Why do you think you can decide what makes sense for me and what doesn't? 

    It costs 5 cent for Evernote to allow manual change of the updated date and no user without a need for that feature would ever care if the "updated at" field is read-Only or Read-Write.

    Evernote Premium has recently doubled its price and is now as expensive as Netflix. For Powerusers that price is still justified and I assume they still pay it. But Evernotes product vision doesn't focus power users but casuals. By the way, haven't noticed a useful new feature in the last 12 months. It's so obvious what the strategy is: Make as much money as possible out of the existing locked in user base while reducing the costs as much as possible.  

  6. I believe the new sync makes lots of problems. 

    I had zero problems with the sync until Evernote came and refactored it. Now it's weird. I experience lots of strange behaviour. I.e.: It sometimes takes 1-2 minutes until a note I haven't opened for a long time get's loaded. In particular when it consists of pictures. I know that the data nowadays is loaded from the cloud, but I have a super fast internet connection running. There is no way it takes so long to load. 


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  7. On 5/11/2023 at 5:44 PM, AlbertR said:

    Regarding freeze-situations in EN10, 

    Not here. But saw a similar effect in Legacy now 🤔: With the new sync (RTE - Real-Time-Editing), EN10 opens a so called "RTE room" on server side to distribute note changes immediately to other clients.

    As long as such a RTE room is open (means: as long as this note is open to edit in EN10 - and some (unknown) time more), Legacy cannot sync changes to this note. This leads to sync stops for for this time (changes in Legacy are frozen...). In Legacy's log file you will find messages like 

    • [ERROR ] xxx EDAMSystemException: errorCode=RATE_LIMIT_REACHED message="Attempt updateNote where RTE room has already been open for note: xxx"
    • [INFO  ] xxx Client synchronization finished, status: failed
    • [ERROR ] xxx Synchronisierung aufgrund eines unerwarteten serverseitigen Problems fehlgeschlagen
    You do not have to explain to me that Legacy does not and will not support RTE, is deprecated and will go to die anytime in future. But as long as [bla bla bla], some of us have to use it and should know about such effects 😉

    have the same problem.

    i can't use Evernote legacy due to this anymore. Guess that's Evernote's way to tell us: it's time to move on guys. Or do you think they will fix that?

  8. Before Evernote 10 was released I was desperately waiting for it. For similar reasons you write now and because I wanted to have a fresh UI and new features at last. 

    When it was released then I was simply shocked. UI is nice but the UX is horrible. I guess in your eyes I am just a nagger who can't accept that things he was used to change. I understand that. There are always people unhappy with new versions. So I don't think that it makes sense to discuss that here. This is a support forum ran by Evangelists. I guess you still love the app and that's great for you.


    ps.: Reinstalling worked. It took 2,5h but finally all notes were downloaded to my harddrive.

    • Like 1
  9. hm...interesting menu, thank you. I must say I am a little bit scared to "repair all notes" there. I don't want to destroy something...Here is the activity log, something in there you find strange?

    If not I will try to deinstall Evernote Legacy and install it again. I think the problem is that the "Sync on demand" option has been checked in the beginning.

    23:00:45 [INFO   ] [1528] [5140] 100% Updating local resource "4c24fd2328d58b2549d929d912a660dd", 4588115 bytes
    23:00:45 [INFO   ] [1528] [5140] 100% * rsrc={6743F0BA-0379-8D13-AE3F-FD077526F750}, note={56033985-bd49-8a73-4c5e-36148734c1a4}
    23:05:44 [INFO   ] [1528] [7108] Client synchronization started
    23:05:45 [INFO   ] [1528] [4608] 0% Loaded updateCount: 316104
    23:05:45 [INFO   ] [1528] [4608] 0% Usage Metrics: sessionCount=0
    23:05:45 [INFO   ] [1528] [4608] 0% SyncState: devices used: 15
    23:05:45 [INFO   ] [1528] [4608] 0% Client is up to date with the server, updateCount: 316104
    23:05:46 [INFO   ] [1528] [3096] 0% Updating 6 local item styles
    23:05:46 [INFO   ] [1528] [7108] Client synchronization finished, status: complete
    23:05:46 [INFO   ] [1528] [7108] * elapsed time: 1s
  10. hi,

    I have installed Evernote Legacy and I want it to sync all of my 8,000 notes now. But it doesn't. I think the problem is that I initially had checked the "Sync on demand" checkbox. So in the beginning I wanted it to sync notes only when I open the corresponding notebook and scroll to them. I did that accidently. So I unchecked this option, restarted Evernote, but it still doesn't sync alone. I also rebooted my computer, didn't work either. 

    Is there a way to force Evernote to sync everything? Maybe someone experienced this in the past...


  11. On 4/12/2022 at 3:02 AM, scojjac said:

    I disagree that v10 is a "very bad piece of software". It has room for improvement, for sure. But no one has a better web clipper. No one searches my attachments - including handwritten notes - better.  Evernote best covers my needs. There are definitely things I want - iOS keyboard shortcuts, better internal link support, publishing (kind of like Obsidian Publish), related notes, bulk-tagging notes - but for me the app is stable, fast, and easy-to-use.

    I have major stability and reliability issues on iOS and this is my key problem. The bugs are so numerous and haven't been fixed for more than 1 year so I don't think they will ever do it.

    for example, when you paste a picture into a note, it is pasted 3 times. This is since release. No one ever cared. Just riddicolous. 



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