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Everything posted by Mayonline

  1. Yeah! Strange though how it appears in different corners even for the same OS?!
  2. Response from Evernote..."This feature is not yet available on the new version of Evernote. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and letting us know that this is important to you. I will ensure to pass this functionality request along to our Product Development Team for consideration."
  3. Mmm, I guess I'll have to live with it eh cheers
  4. Hi, I've recently started using the Evernote Helper (Ctril + Alt + H), which opens in the top left hand corner of my screen. Is there anyway to move it? Ideally I'd like it to be in the centre when it opens, but happy to move it each time if needed, but you can’t seem to drag it. It used to open in the bottom right, now for some reason in the top left. Any ideas? Thanks
  5. thank you very much for all the advice. On the web version, everything works as expected. I will rebuild my local db as suggested thanks again
  6. I'm on 10.47.7 I have created a new simple tag structure as follows. Each tag has one note in and the tag names have spaces When I click the blue lozenge and then select 'include sub tags' method it works fine'. The results are as expected. 1) However, when I try this on a real tag I have, which has >100 sub tags, and even sub sub tags, I get zero results! 2) I tried it on an existing parent that had 11 subtags (no sub sub tags) and a total of 36 notes in all tags and it worked fine. 3) I then tried it on an existing tag which had which had 70 subtags (no sub sub tags) and it found zero results. Strangely, whilst clicking the blue lozenge and then selecting 'include sub tags' in item 2 above works, if I right click the tag in the left sidebar and select 'filter with sub tags', I get no results?! I believe this does indeed do an AND as per this
  7. Mmmm, I think my issue may stems from the fact that some tags are made up of two or more words. For example, this works any: tag:apple tag:orange it returns note that are tagged with either apple or orange This doesn’t any: tag:Orange tag:December 2021 I think this returns notes tagged with orange or december, that mention the word 2021 ?? Is there a way of maybe encapsulating december 2021 so it views it as one word? Maybe tag:"december 2021" When I use the 'include sub-tags' method, rather than typing in a manual query as above, I get zero results! I am convinced that on PC desktop app, it is doing tag1 AND tag2, rather than tag 1 OR tag2 This is confusing! Thanks for the help
  8. Thanks again! From my brief experiment though unless mistaken, this will find notes with tag1 AND tag2, rather than tag1 OR tag2 which is what I actually need.
  9. Thank you both. Pink Elephant, where do I find "include all child tags"? I am using PC desktop app
  10. Hi, I feel the need to move my notes around in evernote and start using notebook stacks, rather than so many tags. I have several parent tags with nested tags under them. I would like to be able to select the parent tags and have it select notes for itself and all nested tags too, so I can move them to a new notebook in one go. Is this possible? Or do I need to move each tag individually to the ew notebook. I hope this makes sense? Any help appreciated.
  11. Hi, I've just been reading the Evernote release note that can be found here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889234-What-s-new-in-Evernote-for-Windows One of the items says.... ".......make sure you are on Windows 10, as the new Evernote app does not support older versions of Windows." However, when I checked here - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/evernote/9wzdncrfj3mb?activetab=pivot:regionofsystemrequirementstab - it say OS Windows 10 version 14316.0 or higher, Windows 8.1 I'm on WIndows 8.1 and wondering whether it is supported. Does anyone know which is true plz? Thanks
  12. Hi, I've just been reading the Evernote release note that can be found here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889234-What-s-new-in-Evernote-for-Windows One of the items says...... Can I use the new Evernote app offline? - Yes. To use Evernote offline, ensure you are signed in to the app before disconnecting from the internet Does this mean that if you internet connection is down when you start the desktop app, that you won't be able to use it as you need to potentially predict an outage and start the app before the connection is disconnected? Can EV claim that they really support offline access? This confuses me however, as I just pulled the ethernet out of my PC, then started Evernote, and it seemed to work. Am I missing something here?
  13. Hi, am I right in thinking that you can't export notes from Evernote WEB version. I can't seem to find any instructions on doing this, which suggests I need to be using an installed version? Thanks
  14. MIke P....thank you for taking the time 😃
  15. Ok thanks. So, lets say I have 3 notebooks... nb1 and nb2 and nb3 and one tag called tag1 I would like to search for tag 1 in nb1 or nb2, but not nb3.............can I do this please? If so how? I've tried..... tag:tag1 any: notebook:nb1 notebook:nb2 any: notebook:nb1 notebook:nb2 tag:tag1
  16. Hi, I need to filter for a note in one of two notebooks. It appears that I can only filter in one notebook at a time or all notebooks at once, yet when filtering tags I can select these as needed. Am I missing something here? Maybe I need to Upgrade from version 10 to version 6 to get this type of cutting edge capability? Appreciated
  17. Sorry if this is obvious, but I am trying to log a support request and can't work out how?! I can log into the help and learning centre and find 'My Requests' and was expecting to see a 'New Request' button When I search for how to log a request, I find nothing Thank in advance
  18. The problem isn't solved and you are right, Evernote is no longer safe. It is one thing having the issue, but another to mark posts like this as solved. I have cancelled my subscription after more thatn 10 years
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