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Posts posted by jess71

  1. Please bring back being able to sort by tag!  Currently, without it, there isn't a way for me to find all notes that are "tag" that does not include other tags.  Also, without it I cannot sort by location, so I can see what tags might be in different locations.  There are so many ways I used sort by tag in the past.  I find it so frustrating and limiting on what I am able to do.  Filtering by tag does not at all accomplish the same thing.  Please bring back sort by tag and sort by location!

  2. I too am so frustrated.  I need easier access to tags and it needs to be placed more prominent.  I hate that they have tags at the bottom.  Two things I do with every note is to assign it to a notebook and give it a tag.  Why wouldn't they be next to each other like before?  Scanning needs to be fixed.  I need to be able to scan all sorts of items into my notes.  I do this so much, that if I cannot scan, I don't even know how I can continue to use Evernote.

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  3. I am really unhappy to find that the new version of Evernote does not allow me to scan directly into my Evernote.  I use this feature all the time, and need it back!  Also, I can no longer sort by tag, I can only filter.  I don't want to filter, I want all my notes sorted by tag.  I use this feature all the time.  I also don't like how tags are at the bottom of the notes, as tags are a very important part of my organization and need to be more prominent.

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