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Posts posted by Grinstead

  1. On 11/29/2016 at 3:29 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    BTW, if anyone's interested, Evernote did in fact implement what both the original poster and a subsequent commenter requested: in the Windows program, in Tools > Options > Shortcut keys, it is possible to choose to transpose the worldwide, decades-old standard key combinations Ctrl+V and Ctrl+Shift+V. :rolleyes:

    I'm a premium user having just signed on with Evernote and have only experienced the new interface (which is horrible), but I'm missing some menus in my Windows version that are shown here.

    For example, the Tools>Options>Shortcut keys doesn't exist. Under tools (both the program and the web version) I have two choices: Account Info and Preferences. Preferences only lets me choose whether to save data when I log out.

    I did come up with one work-around. I have a custom template, type some characters into it, then move the cursor just before the final character and paste. I then clean it all up and move on. Frequently it will default to the standard style (I miss WordPerfect's reveal codes) and I have to go through gyrations to fix it.

    There are a HUGE number of customizations that should be here, so I'm figuring I just didn't get the memo. Where the heck is it?

  2. On 10/20/2020 at 1:26 PM, mi_cha said:

    Good news! I guess the negative feedback changed their mind. They plan premium features for Microsoft 365 subscribers in 2021.

    Here is the FAQ about OneNote

    2025 seems to be the end date of extended support only, it does not mean it will discontinued (as implied before). The desktop version is bundled with Microsoft 365 subscriptions, while the Windows 10 app remains a free download.

    Whatever the life cycle of ON may be, one thing is certain: LOCAL notebooks work with the desktop version only. The windows app 10 saves all notebooks to the cloud.

    My ON is attached to a Microsoft 365 subscription, and it works fine. The mobile apps (Android smartphone/tablet) are really great. No problems with syncing.

    But, as I said somewhere else: I can't imagine managing +20k large notes in OneNote, as I do in EN6. I work in ON with shared business notebooks (once my part is over, the owner ceases sharing them with me, so the amount of information is temporary and easily manageable) but my "entire life" is in EN6. You just can't compare EN6 organization/search tools with ON, EN6 is much, much, much better.

    Thanks. I saw that update, but for what I need it for, ON no longer works. Everyone's needs are different and if ON does what you need, I'm happy for you. Regardless, we're all in for some bumpy time over the next few years. I have 365, so, who knows, I may switch back.

  3. On 10/10/2020 at 9:37 PM, mi_cha said:

    I am also a user of MS OneNote (collaborative work with some specific institutions).

    As far as I know, ON notebooks are stored on the cloud (OneDrive), notes are not local - just the same problem as EN v.10.

    Syncing is realiable, web-clipper for Chrome and the android widget work fine. You're right, the software is well written and stable.

    ON looks fancy (lots of color and icons, the design is very nice) but is not conceived to manage thousands of notes. It simply lacks the tools, I don`t mean that ON is technically unable to save thousands of notes.

    It works  well for small-to-medium databases, but - in my humble opinion - is not a substitute for heavy users of Evernote with large databases.

    I just moved from OneNote to EverNote. I made the move because MS "dumbed down" OneNote along with Sharepoint and other services.

    Here is a response from MS on one of its boards in March 2019:

    In my humble opinion, the reason why Microsoft replace the OneNote desktop app with OneNote for Windows 10 is this app has improved performance and reliability, and it's powered by a brand new sync engine (Now also available on web, Mac, iOS, and Android). Which will enhance user's experience on work collaboration a lot.

    There are a few features that are only available in OneNote for Windows 10. To find out, you could check the following article:

     What's the difference between OneNote and OneNote 2016?

    But, we need to admit this transition cause our customers a lot of troubles, and some importance features like Outlook tasks or open local notebooks are not available on OneNote for Windows 10.

    We are deeply sorry about it.

    Given this situation, we would suggest you vote for make the Windows 10 version feature rich in OneNote UserVoice, which is a specific platform for us to collect user's request. Your suggestion will help us improve our Products and give users a better experience.

    Your understanding is highly appreciated.


    Alex Chen -- MSFT, Agent, Moderator


    The Verge also wrote about MS changes in November of last year. Things are going to be unstable over there for a while as they move to their Fluid platform. 

    I'm not waving you off, just letting you know you may be trading one headache for another.

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