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  1. yJan's post in Behaviour of bullet lists was marked as the answer   
    I have a problem with the latest version of Evernote, 10.1.7.
    I am unable to create a bulleted list, that keeps spawning new empty checkboxes, like the behaviour of Evernote in the earlier versions. Back then, I could press enter and the list predictably behaved in a Microsoft Word way: Evernote added a new empty checkbox before my text fieId and I could enter the description for the new task. And that was the desired behaviour. But now, the checkbox list seems to work by principles I don't understand.
    ( there is a difference between newly created lists and lists, you have imported from an earlier version of Evernote )
    Can you help me?
  2. yJan's post in Behaviour of bullet lists was marked as the answer   
    I have a problem with the latest version of Evernote, 10.1.7.
    I am unable to create a bulleted list, that keeps spawning new empty checkboxes, like the behaviour of Evernote in the earlier versions. Back then, I could press enter and the list predictably behaved in a Microsoft Word way: Evernote added a new empty checkbox before my text fieId and I could enter the description for the new task. And that was the desired behaviour. But now, the checkbox list seems to work by principles I don't understand.
    ( there is a difference between newly created lists and lists, you have imported from an earlier version of Evernote )
    Can you help me?
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