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Posts posted by stur

  1. 1 minute ago, Stories By Steve said:

    Could a new update from Windows cause Legacy to not work?

    I would not say that will never happen, but there are lots of programs that were written for Windows 95 etc that still run fine in Windows 10. It's one of the great things about Windows. 



    6 minutes ago, sgarcata said:

    First off, the legacy app has so many bugs, TMTC, and obviously they won't be fixing any.

    Secondly, it is only a matter of time before it will no longer be available. I use the premium version which requires a subscription and certain functions that they could drop at any moment; In fact the entire sync function is totally dependent on their servers and their support. You're in a dream world if you think EN, the company, will lift a finger to ensure that these services go forward. 

    Plus if there's a security issue discovered, legacy won't be patched!

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  3. 1 hour ago, Christophe Gevrey said:

    Sorry for the dumb question: How do you colour the notebooks or tags in the legacy version? I have never seen the option.

    Right click on the notebook and select "Style" there's a button to the right of the name of the book that allows a colour to be chosen.

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  4. 42 minutes ago, ek12 said:

    I'm a long long term Evernote user.  This upgrade -- and what we've learned about the company from the way it has handled this forced upgrade -- has caused me to revisit my goal of finding an alternative.  Have spent an hour on Devonthink this morning, import was simple, it feels feature complete so far.  And it lets you encrypt your database -- which is the #1 reason I have been meaning to get out of Evernote for a while.

    Anyone here know why we haven't all already switched to Devonthink?  If you're an Apple only user... what am I giving up by moving from Evernote to Devonthink?




    Many of us here aren't Apple aficionados. We think Apple is OK, mostly, but not for us. 

  5. I'm assuming that it's some middle manager with a little bit of power (we've all experienced that guy, right?) and he's managed to completely break the main product of the company.. But.. "it's OK because I know better! And the users will come around when they see my genius.."

    No. Andy! (or whatever your name is, but it's probably Andy) you've just broken the big, cash cow product of the company and alienated a lot of users who are very passionate about the product and are now very vocal about that.

    And ultimately it doesn't matter what "the suits" do now, your "passionate and newly vocal users" are looking at alternative solutions at competing companies that produce a great product and they don't have an "Andy" working for them. (well hopefully they don't have an Andy)


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  6. Just now, bonedog73 said:

    Well I just switched to Nimbus  - https://nimbusweb.me/ - imported all my notes from evernote and its $25 a year instead of $100 or whatever I was paying... the thing is if evernote would have beefed up their security and just kept updating the old app I would have stayed but for whatever reason they want to kill their own product, cya

    I made an account with Nimbus today, just evaluating it and it's looking very very positive for me too. II really liked Notion, but I think Nimbus fits my requirements better. 

  7. I think the shock is that the pruning has taken EN from an admittedly untidy bush down to a stick with a few twigs on it. 

    I can't believe they thought to offer V10 as a proper update to users knowing how pruned it is and how it would destroy many users workflows. Luckily I only updated my work PC with the new version and after picking my jaw up off the desk at how bad it was I went to the forums to see what went wrong. (a whole other world of frustration trying to get access)

    I can still just about use EN V10, but I won't be updating my laptop nor my home PC nor phone any time soon. 

    I'm leaving the work PC with V10 as a reminder that I need to find an alternate app and to actually do something about that. On a positive note I'm liking Notion so far, it's very slick and nice to use. I think it will suit my needs nicely, but I'm not rushing into anything. 

    • Like 3
  8. Yes it's true. Imagine the frustration trying to post in the forums as a registered user only to find you have to be moderated, especially when your user details say "Subscription: PREMIUM"?

    And you have to wait 12 hours before a moderator notices and your posts get unhidden. 

    It's ok now, I can post just fine. But going forward, just so you know, it's not the way to run forums. 


  9. If I drop back to a basic user in May, I'll still have access to my notes, so that gives me a long time to test drive a few alternatives and see what suits me better. 

    Maybe they will improve this new version and I'll come back to EN with my tail between my legs begging them to take my money for yet another year but I doubt it. It's annoying to have to even look at other solutions but I will be looking. 

    I can imagine the EN competitors are rubbing their hands with glee at the potential new customers. EN have really shot themselves in the foot with this release. 



  10. Yeah, this new Evernote is just annoying and not as easy to use. My subscription runs out in May 21 and I was going to give them the benefit of the doubt and make a decision then, but I did try to post something in the forums earlier and my posts "have to be approved by a moderator", Of course they weren't approved even 4 hours later. 

    As a premium user for many years and an Evernote user since 2009 I fail to see why my posts would be moderated and this has annoyed me so much I'm actively looking for an alternative. 

    Update FWIW. It's been over 8 hours and my posts are still awaiting moderation. I'm out of patience with Evernote. 

  11. Please tell me this isn't the final version? 

    I like the dark mode, but that's about it for likes. 

    Some of my gripes, maybe there's some hidden settings I've not been able to find...

    No shortcuts at the top of the window where they're always visible. 

    No right click to add a new word to the dictionary

    No colours for notebook titles,  

    Notebooks too spaced out vertically in the window, I can only see about 20 now. 

    Tags at the bottom of the note rather than the top. 

    Plus lots of other annoyances. 


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