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Posts posted by ArronH

  1. Q) With further updates to ChatGPT what other possibilities can you imagine there being to Evernote users in the future, ie when upgraded to version ChatGPT 10. 

    A) As an AI language model, my capabilities are constantly evolving, and with upgrades to version ChatGPT 10, I can imagine several additional possibilities for Evernote users. Here are a few potential examples:

    Multi-lingual support: With improvements to my language processing abilities, I could support multiple languages, allowing users to take notes and search for content in their preferred language. This could be particularly useful for users who work in international settings or need to communicate with people who speak different languages.

    Contextual understanding: With better contextual understanding, I could provide more accurate and relevant suggestions for tags, notebooks, and related content based on the content of a note. For example, if a user creates a note about a specific project, I could suggest relevant resources, people to collaborate with, or related notes.

    Voice recognition: With improved voice recognition, users could dictate notes to Evernote using their voice, and I could help transcribe the content, suggest additional information, or provide real-time feedback to improve the note-taking process.

    Machine learning-powered insights: With machine learning algorithms, I could analyze user data to provide more personalized insights and recommendations. For example, I could suggest when a user is most productive or the best time to schedule specific tasks based on their usage patterns and preferences.

    Overall, with upgrades to version ChatGPT 10, I could provide even more advanced and intelligent support to Evernote users, making the note-taking and organization process even more efficient and effective.


    1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

    Lacing it with a little AI makes it sweeter, you think ?

    Well, all sound's pretty impressive to me. Maybe you wouldn't be prepared to pay an extra few quid a month for all these features. But consider this, when every other note taking app does have these features, why would anyone choose Evernote if it didn't?

  2. Hmm... well let's ask ChatGPT what it thinks, shall we?

    Q) If you was fully integrated into Evernote, what possible benefits can you forsee there being to an Evernote user? 

    A) If I were fully integrated into Evernote, there could be several benefits for Evernote users. Here are a few possibilities:

    Better note-taking: As an AI language model, I can help users take better notes by suggesting relevant information, summarizing key points, and identifying important keywords. This could make note-taking more efficient and effective.

    Improved organization: Evernote already has a robust organization system, but with my integration, users could benefit from additional suggestions and automation. For example, I could suggest tags or notebooks based on the content of a note or help users quickly find related notes.

    Enhanced search: With my natural language processing capabilities, I could help users find notes more quickly and accurately. For example, users could ask me questions like "What are my notes about the meeting with John last week?" and I could provide relevant results.

    Personalization: Evernote could use my integration to offer personalized recommendations and insights to users based on their usage patterns and preferences. For example, I could suggest relevant articles or resources based on the topics a user is interested in.

    Overall, my integration with Evernote could help users be more productive and efficient in their note-taking and organization, while also providing a more personalized and user-friendly experience.

  3. Ok boomer, nobody said it will be free. Only you are saying that. The API already has a fee and obviously Evernote would upsell this to its users on one of its packages (or include it to remain competitive). 

    You have a very odd reaction to technological progress. Maybe Clickup, Notion, Todoist and many others more are all wrong in implementing ChatGPT... Or maybe, just maybe Evernote is the dinosaur rather than the elephant in this case. I suspect the dinosaur considering it's a failing company that had to be acquired as was unprofitable and no longer competitive. 

    On 12/22/2022 at 7:33 PM, PinkElephant said:

    You seem not to ask yourself what sort of expertise a company like EN builds over the years. This expertise is a major part of the intrinsic value of a company.

    What intrinsic value? its a failing company and Bending Spoons has just laid off 129 Evernote employees... so bye bye that so called expertise. 


    But you're forgetting the most obvious point. Bending Spoons is an AI company! How in God's name are they gonna buy Evernote and not incorporate heaps of AI including the most advanced AI that is commercially available which is ChatGPT. 

  4. 3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    Forget it. These guys currently make an extended beta phase, allowing a lot of people in to get some stress applied on their system. Once it is reliable, expect a paid usage. No dev with a sane mind will make his own project dependent of such a black box.

    The only exception is Microsoft -  but they own a large chunk of that AI-chat- company.

    I'm not sure what you're talking about. The API has launched, obviously it is paid for but it's price is already rapidly decreasing. 

    You saying that Notion, Clickup and hundreds of other companies are wrong to integrate it. Have you even tried it? It's mind blowing... And ChatGPT 4 is launching this week. 


  5. On 12/22/2022 at 6:32 PM, PinkElephant said:

    If you want ChatGPT, use ChatGPT. These guys used a lot of effort (and venture capital) to get where they are now. What is currently hyped is a test period - we will see if the hype prevails when they ask money for the service.

    Obviously this doesn't require a billion dollars in funding. Just requires using the Chat GPT API. Individual developers were building and launching products using this within hours of the release so we can almost certainly expect big strides in this area once Uri Geller gets his spoons in order.

  6. +1 for this feature 

    Would be great to be able to archive notebooks without requiring workarounds.

    Such as a toggle of Hide/Show Archived Notebooks which would show under an 'Archive' Stack 

    Archived notes could by default not show in search results unless 'Show' archived notebooks selected

  7. On 7/3/2021 at 7:22 PM, Jon Tornetta said:

    I like the concept of "Tasks", but a lot of my "to-dos" are currently notes. Or, if not, they often reference other notes in my Evernote account.

    When Evernote app links to notes are copied, the URL of the note should nest inside of the body of the task, just like how it works within the rest of Evernote.

    Would help make tasks more usable by integrating them more thoroughly within the rest of Evernote architecture.

    I agree, I have tried several times to add an internal link to a task. It is an obvious feature that would add versatility to ones workflow. 

  8. Within Tasks 'View Options' there should be the ability to turn off 'Show Notes' to hide the note names in the 'By due date' tab


    When all tasks are listed in one default note then this leads to the same note name being repeated across all tasks, which astatically isn't ideal and also takes up space.

    Also, if each task is given it's own note, then the task name and note will be the same, meaning the name of the note and task is just a duplication of one another,



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