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Posts posted by May

  1. since I back everything up with Crashplan I can easily restore all my file's (not just Evernote) past versions or even deleted files (from previous days up to previous years). Everything is retained forever and there are no limits.

    I actually had a problem recently when an app (Byword) on iPad deleted all of its files from the Dropbox. Took me just a couple of clicks to restore everything without any problem. I guess I could have contacted Dropbox support and ask them to restore those files for me but doing it myself is just much faster.

    so the bottom line - automatic backup is awesome.

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  2. I think any addtitonal short term integration with some mind mapping won't be very useful. What would it add to evernote?

    on the other hand evernote could include a mind mapping editor natively but it's also not wort the effort in my view. So for example you could create a special mind map note which would take you to a completely different mind mapping interface.

    The only benifit it'd give is that those mind maps would be fully searchable. But to make this possible evernote would have to create a separate app inside evernote and to make it work across all platforms which is just not worth the effort.

  3. There is no perfect tool that does both things really well - mind mapping and all information management.

    Information management apps like evernote are not as flexible for focusing on a single topic as mind mapping apps or outliners and etc. And mind mapping apps are not great for managing all information. In theory you could use a mind mapping app to manage all information but in practice a software for both great mind map editing and great all information management doesn't exist (yet). Even PersonalBrain isn't there.

    You would still want to use separate mind maps to really focus on a single topic because you don't want to connect all related thoughts all the time anyway.

    All information is interrelated in some ways. that's why it is not very useful to have everything in an endless mindmap. when you actually connect everything then those connections lose meaning. It takes a lot of effort to connect everything and gives no real benefit.

    there is a key difference between organizing a certain topic, focusing on it in detail and all information. Mind maps are just separate notes because whenever you focus on a single topic you want to keep everything in one place anyway.

    Pros and cons of using a separate app for mind mapping:


    separate mind mapping app is usually more convenient to use than using all in one app


    not completely searchable from evernote

  4. Note links are essential imho, I always wanted to use them before they were added but didn't expect evernote team to implement them. So yeah, it's true - you never know. Outlining could be done with a separate app so it doesn't matter to me if they add it or not. If they do it'd be awesome, if not - that's fine too..

    I really like all the features they added to windows client over the past year or so - note links, tabs to search for tags. It's exactly what was missing for me.

    Looks like they know what they are doing ! LOL

    Only problem is iPad client at the moment...

  5. @grumpyMonkey, yeah that's true. I can't imagine this implemented in near future.

    Well actually I can imagine but it's not going to happen LOL !

    Still you can have this functionality by using additional tools - no need to wait for evernote team to implement it... Separate tools would also be better because they are focused on just one thing and do it great.

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