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Posts posted by yikeouch

  1. Searching a reading takes a lot of time (especially for people who doesn't use English as their first language, like I.). I searched, but I didn't see what GM post. So I misunderstood and got upset when you say hierarchical stacks are not gonna happen. If I see that post, I will directly ask evernote to improve their hierarchical tags. And waste no time on "discussion" of good and bad of tags and hierarchical system.

    This is a user forum, and discussion is up to the users to direct -- so participate, or not, as you choose. But just so you know: Evernote staffers do read everything posted in these forums, as best I can tell. They sometimes comment, but not always. It's clear that they know about the desire for adding arbitrary notebook nesting, semantic tag trees, and the like, and have thought about it, but haven't done it yet, if they ever will.

    I like to discuss, but not in this way. Base on some misunderstanding and almost had a quarrel. That's not what I want to do.

  2. And saying: 'Evernote is unlikely to ever support nested notes...blah blah) is very true. But it should be backed up with: 'Here is Evernote's statement to date on nested notes'.

    Or....if users want to see the "official" replies from EN, THEY can just search the board, just like GM did... But...they usually don't.

    Searching and reading takes a lot of time (especially for people who doesn't use English as their first language, like I.). I searched, but I didn't see what GM post.(Maybe it's because I search with keyword " hierarchical" ) So I misunderstood and got upset when you say hierarchical stacks are not gonna happen. If I see that post, I will directly ask evernote to improve their hierarchical tags. And waste no time on "discussion" of good and bad of tags and hierarchical system.

    And Evernote, please add what JMichael said at #42 of this topic:

    Add a minor enhancement to your search engine to include child tags in a search for a parent tag,

    Or just tag child tag's note with parent tag and remove the tag when child tag remove from parent tag.

  3. I

    As for traditional Chinese on the iPad, what's the problem? How are you inputting the characters? Pinyin entry brings up the characters and you choose them just as you would on the Mac, for example. The handwriting seems to work fine. I don't see how Android is superior in this respect.

    I don't quite familiar with Pinyin, which is the most used in mainland China.

    We were taught to use ZhuYin in Taiwan. It's an antique that were used in China before 1949. You can look it up here.

    I know Pinyin but I type faster with ZhuYin for I still have to "think" while typing with Pinyin.

    The ZhuYin on iOS is very problematic.

    For example, I want to type the two character word "海浪".

    With PinYin, I need to type "Hai lan", or only "HL" then choose from words.

    With ZhuYin on Android, I can type "ㄏㄞㄌㄤ"( without tonal marks and the system will choose the word for me) or only "ㄏㄌ" then choose from words.

    But on iOS, sorry, I must type "ㄏㄞˇㄌㄤˋ"(including the tonal marks) to get the right word.

    On android I can only hit my keyboard three or four times to get a two characters word I want, and on iOS I have to hit at least 6 times, up to 9 times to get it.

    Besides, android's input method is customizable. I can choose Swype of Swiftkey to type. And on iOS I have to stuck on the input method of iOS' itsown IM.

    Handwriting? You must be kidding. You know how complex Chinese characters are, especially Traditional Chinese.

    That would be very very slow.

  4. Epistle...? Well, that brings up some interesting points worth thinking about when choosing a notetaking app.

    (1) How do you feel about giving Matteo (the developer) your Dropbox username and password?

    (2) How do you feel about having no control over the sync folder, and no subfolders?

    (3) How do you feel about a simple search (compared to Evernote's advanced search)?

    (4) How do you feel about having no tags (as far as I know)?

    (5) How do you feel about no search within notes (as far as I know)?

    (6) How do you feel about losing data? You have to be very careful with the syncing, and you don't have much control over it...

    On iOS, notetaking programs that sync with Dropbox are legion. I think a few like notesy stand out from the rest, but this concept is nothing new. For some reason, though, the Android marketplace is a barren wasteland, and there are very few good text editors. It is quite sad. There is a lot of potential with the model, but potential is not terribly practical.

    Evernote isn't perfect, and I certainly think there is more room for improvement, but it really is doing something unique, especially if you are concerned about data security / integrity / stability.

    Yes, I know. So I'm still using evernote. I download Epistle and haven't sync it to my dropbox. Just keep it and wait to see how far it can go.

    As to iOS apps, some of its best can be export to evernote too, so I don't quite use its feature to export to dropbox.

    And I don't take my notes on iPad often, its Traditional Chinese keyboard is terribly awful compare to android's.

    And its sandbox has too much limitation in doing things. (Like you can't edit images in Evernote directly by Skitch in iOS while you can do that in android. ) I just want to say dropbox has a potential for note-taking apps. Although there're no good apps for now.

  5. i'd bet 3 of my favourite notes that multiple notebook levels are not implemented in the next 2 years if ever. No inside information, but it's clearly not the way that the app is architected and the cost of changing that architecture and implementing across all the clients would be very very high. The existing model is proving phenomenally successful, in their shoes I wouldn't change it either.

    I agree. IMO, stacks were the answer to sub-notebooks. ...

    Or it could be as simple as priorities... We just don't know.

    In the end, speculation by any of us is futile. EN is what it is & they don't post roadmaps or ETAs. So deal with it or find another app. Simple as that.

    I'm going to continue asking for hierarchical folders just the same. IME tags don't work for me. I don't fear change and I'm smart enough to understand tags. They just don't work for what I do. I also think if EN thinks the way you suggest they never should have introduced stacks (or even multiple notebooks for that matter). I think the web clipper feature of guessing what notebook you want to put an article into (not which tag) also is a tease to us multiple notebook users.

    I hope EN eventually moves to add the functions that people keep asking for. I know its hard and I know it won't happen overnight but I think we should keep asking if we think it will make EN better. Once again, I hope if EN does add sub notebooks they are not mandatory and the tag users can continue unhindered. I do not criticize EN over this but I will not stop asking for it. I will also not stop using EN and find another app...

    Good on you. I think voicing your opinions is the way to go, because developers are reading this, and they pay attention.

    With the exception of the Windows client, where my only complaint at the moment is the inability to search the database from outside the app, I feel like every platform is missing some feature I'd really like to see, so I have plenty of posts all over the forums asking for this or that. Sometimes I get it. Sometimes I don't. But, it doesn't hurt to ask.

    I hope others' replies are like yours.Their "you should do it this way" really make me upset sometimes.

    I'm not a person who don't accept advises. I appreciate people like @jbenson2 and @JMichael who try to gave us a workaround.

    Although their workarounds sometimes does not meet my need, I still thank them.

    I already changed my way of arranging notes a lot and I spent hours on it.

    Sometimes it's really a pain to make my notes suit for my workflow.

    And lack of feature on some platform made it worse.

    I just come to asking for what I need and keep seeing people says " You are wrong, you are reluctant to change, you are not not sophisticated enough to learn how to use tags". It's like pouring oil on the flame.

  6. i'd bet 3 of my favourite notes that multiple notebook levels are not implemented in the next 2 years if ever. No inside information, but it's clearly not the way that the app is architected and the cost of changing that architecture and implementing across all the clients would be very very high. The existing model is proving phenomenally successful, in their shoes I wouldn't change it either.

    IME tags definitely serve the purpose. People are just reluctant to change. (Just like my mom never adapted to cooking fresh green beans in a microwave & continued to cook them to death on the stove.)

    Or it could be as simple as priorities... We just don't know.

    In the end, speculation by any of us is futile. EN is what it is & they don't post roadmaps or ETAs. So deal with it or find another app. Simple as that.

    I don't know if you guys have cognitive dissonance or not.

    We tried to make it very clear:

    We ( who use hierarchical system ) are aware that multiple notebook levels are not implemented in near future.

    We are just expressing our need.

    The current system just does not meet our needs. I made my points in last few replies.

    I'm not very in need of multiple notebook levels because I have some workarounds. But the system can't suit all my need now.

    So I hope EN will add some features afterward.

    And none of you propose a better solution and you call tag system "serve the purpose"? Well, it's serving your purpose not ours.

    And you were saying that we are reluctant and not sophisticated enough to learn how to use tags as organizational tools.

    By what eye did you see that? Remember one thing, people have different need.

    We are not saying tags are bad, it just don't serve our purpose.


    Yes, Evernote is the entity that determines how Evernote should work. But if evernote doesn't meet my need, I'll change to another.

    I was using Onenote and jumped to Evernote years ago because Onenote doesn't do well on multi-platform.

    But I'm not saying Onenote are bad, it does better than Evernote in some way. It just don't meet my need.

    EN does very well for now, but if there's other note-taking app works better than Evernote. I might switch there.

    And about Dropbox, I think its business solution have a potential to make it into a big competitor to Evernote.

    Also, EN is a potential competitor to Dropbox on file-storage too.

    Try a software named Epistle on Android. It has a very interesting concept in using Dropbox as a note-strorage.

    I'm an almost satisfied customer of Evernote, but I'm still finding others to replace Evernote.

    About "On the battle of organizing the Internet, Yahoo (hierarchical search) lost, and Google won (associative search). Something to think about."

    Well, you can not compare an apple with an orange. Did you learn your lessons all by associative links in school? No, I think there must be hierarchical system participate in. A single tree does not make a forest. Hierarchical system is still useful in some way and it can not be abandoned.

    Although you denied the accusation of "seems to think that the way YOU use Evernote is the way evernote is supposed to work." But what you said like "I find it hard to believe that people are not sophisticated enough to learn how to use tags as organizational tools", gave us a feeling that you do think so.

  7. The next level of users that EN needs to attract are not going to spend a lot of time understanding EN. I would argue that EVERY ONE understands hierarchichal systems (folders or notebooks) and can pick up a system like that and go. I think the competition for EN Business is going to come from cloud systems like DropBox (who are introducing their own "business" version). I know this topic will continue. I have been one of the voices pleading for multiple notebook levels since EN was introduced and I will continue to plead. I think that as EN tries to move further into corporate markets they should consider this question again. Regardless of what they do they have to fix the ipad version first.

    "If you build it, he will come"

    Field of Dreams, 1989


  8. Thanks, @shawnholt.

    In fact, although I prefer hierarchical system, I'm quite adapted with current EN with my workaround.

    I think a little enhancement of EN will solve most of problems out. I'm fond of @JMichael's idea:

    1. Combination of hierarchical organization and cross-cutting tags. ( I'm using index notes with note links as the hierarchical organization tool to do so.)

    2. To make search engine to include child tags. ( or auto-tag with "mother tags" when move a tag to be a child tag).

    @jbenson2's workaround isn't very useful. Because it's hard to remember the whole hierarchical system when the system has several stratification. For example, if I have to tag München, I have to tag "Europe-Germany-Bayern-München". I will be really annoyed by tags while tagging if I adapt jbenson2's workaround. His workaround is nice when you finish all the tagging and have to arrange the tags, but is not nice when tagging.

    My current workarond is:

    Use index notes with note link, and put all the index note in a stack to organize a hierarchical system.

    And build organized tag systems for cross-cutting. This works very well for me.

    So, if EN add note link feature to all the platform and optimize the tag system, I will be a satisfied customer.

    Of course, if the team make hierarchical system available, I'll be more satisfied.

  9. You mixed several hierarchical system. In fact, you can find them if you put them right there.

    Your problem is on classification, not on the system.

    Besides, I use hierarchical system but I don't use it alone.

    I use search box to find what I need, then I use hierarchical system to see what's relative.

    I gave different examples. I don't understand your concept of "mixing several hierarchical systems". Nor do I understand your statement "then I use hierarchical system to see what's relative". The more data you have, the more places you have to dig around to find the data. And you've pretty much agreed with that when you say you use a search box to find what you need. Unless you dump them into one big folder/notebook & use tags to find the data. Oh wait, that's what Evernote's all about!

    Sorry, English is not my first language, so I couldn't express my thoughts very well. But I'll try.

    The first thing to build an hierachical system, is to unify the classification method.

    For example, I want to find John Irving's Life according to Garp in a library. I have several ways to find it. I can find it by author, by title, by category.

    And every way I can use it fo find the book is a single hierarchical system.

    I can find it by author, first letter of surname "I", second letter "R", and so on. This is an hierarchical system.

    I can find it by title, first letter "L", second letter "I", and so on. This is another hierarchical system.

    So if the classification has no problem, and the library put it in the right place, I can find the book.

    Take your example, you want to find photo of Uncle Joe in San Diego.

    You can find it in "family" folder if you did build a hierarchical system classified with "family and relatives"

    Or in the "San Diego" if you did build a system classified with "locations".

    So I said the problem is not on the hierarchical system but on your classfication.

    And if you put the photo in the right place of every hierachical systems, you can find it in "family" folder, the "San Diego vacation 1999" folder, and the "San Diego vacation 1997", even the "San Diego marathon".

    I used several heirachical systems with my notes, I use stacks to build one, structured tags for another, and index notes with note link for the others.

    So I can easily found out the relations of my notes.

    It's hard to see the relations of notes with unstructured tags and search box, isn't it?

    And there's another good example of how the hierachical system works-you can draw a mindmap.

  10. Well, I was trained to think with a hierarchical system. So maybe it's my blind spot. But I still think hierarchical system is the most efficient way to process massive data. Essays, books, libraries, computer files, and hard drive clusters all uses hierarchical system. It's not easy to make people like me to arrange their thoughts in another way. Without a proper structure, things look like a mess to me.

    The reality is that the more data you have, the less efficient a strict hierarchical system becomes. I learned this before even using Evernote b/c I have so much data spread across so many hard drives. I was often having to look through a few Windows folders in order to find a file. I finally started using Locate32 which allows me to quickly find a file, regardless which drive & folder it's in.

    A simple example is images/photos. If I'm looking for a photo of Uncle Joe in San Diego, is it in the "family" folder? Or the "San Diego vacation 1999" folder? Or the "San Diego vacation 1997" folder? Or the "San Diego marathon" folder?

    What a pain it would be to locate an ebook if it was only in one category? Is it filed under "fiction"? "Best sellers?" By title? By author?

    You mixed several hierarchical system. In fact, you can find them if you put them right there.

    Your problem is on classification, not on the system.

    Besides, I use hierarchical system but I don't use it alone.

    I use search box to find what I need, then I use hierarchical system to see what's relative.

  11. In fact, hierarchical system is necessary. Just look at your computer's file structure.

    A hierarchical foundation is not necessary to present a file system to the user. There's no theoretical or mathematical reason why hierarchies are the sole best organizing scheme for content, or that their use is required. That being said, hierarchy is a useful tool in the organizing toolbox, and it's all the more important because it's familiar (then again, Kim Kardashian seems to be famous because she's famous -- go figure). Bottom line for me is that tags theoretically have the power to express hierarchies, but not the converse. It's one of the reasons that I prefer tagged organization. The flip side in this instance is that Evernote has not really provided support for more fully realizing tag expressiveness, so we can't quite do all of the hierarchical operations as we might like -- for example, the ability to organize tags hierarchically is useful, but the inability of search to understand that hierarchy is an impediment.

    Suck to live in an imperfect world, right? :)

    And unfortunately, structured tags are not available on iOS yet.

    I certainly accept that this is unfortunate. I think it will be remedied, sooner rather than later, or at least should be.

    Well, I was trained to think with a hierarchical system. So maybe it's my blind spot. But I still think hierarchical system is the most efficient way to process massive data. Essays, books, libraries, computer files, and hard drive clusters all uses hierarchical system. It's not easy to make people like me to arrange their thoughts in another way. Without a proper structure, things look like a mess to me.

    Before EN's note linking feature was out, I had a very hard time to arrange all my notes. I wanted to make all my notes be my Wikipedia, but it turned out to be my Google. It could help me find things but I couldn't see the whole picture of them. Maybe hierarchical system is cubersome for some people. But it's not cumbersome for all people.

    By the way, Kim Kardashian was hot. But in my hometown, 8 (maybe 9) out of 10 persons don't know who she is. You are lucky that I heard of her. (grin)

  12. If I only want to find things, I can search it by typing keywords.

    But I have to not only find things, but also knowing where things should be in an organized structure.

    It's apparently a little known fact that tags do form an organized structure, albeit not necessarily hierarchical. Of course, if you want to organize your notes into a hierarchy using tags, there are techniques that allow you to do so (see jbenson's system, for one), and they can actually convey some benefits in note filtering: by reflecting hierarchy position in a tag name, you can use wildcards to locate notes in a specific branch of your hierarchy. And tags do this today, which obviates the need to try to bet whether Evernote will ever provide arbitrarily nested notebooks any time in the future.

    Thank you, I know the tags do form an organized structure and I'm using it.

    And I use index note with note links to organize my notes too because I'm in need of multi-structure system which tags can't do.

    I just don't think "hierarchical system is cumbersome", so I replied.

    In fact, hierarchical system is necessary. Just look at your computer's file structure.

    DId they put all the things together?

    And unfortunately, structured tags are not available on iOS yet.

  13. I find hierarchical systems cumbersome, difficult to maintain and almost impossible to ever find things in again.

    This is a very old debate within the Evernote community.

    Suffice it to say both hierarchical and flat (tags) systems have their advantages.

    Perhaps more important is that different people can think very differently. What is difficult to some is easy and logical to others.

    Personally I find the combination of hierarchical organization and cross-cutting tags to be the most powerful approach.

    I use hierarchical system too.

    For me, I don't use the system to "find". I use it to "remember".

    I use Evernote to memorize things and organize my thoughts.

    Without hierarchical system, I might only note the details but not the overall picture.

    So I need it.

    If I only want to find things, I can search it by typing keywords.

    But I have to not only find things, but also knowing where things should be in an organized structure.

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