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Dave Newton

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Everything posted by Dave Newton

  1. Variables would be hugely useful. For example: I keep work logs in Evernote. As part of those logs I have references that I need to repeat across note "chunks", like, say, a URL of an issue tracker, a brief issue description, etc. That same link is used in multiple places. If I could replace $ISSUE_URL$, $ISSUE_DESCRIPTION$ (or whatever random syntax would be used) during note creation it would decrease busywork considerably and keep me in flow.
  2. Because inline code is used to refer to code-like artifacts in sentences, e.g., "This function is currently implemented via `get_all_the_things` but should be moved." It wouldn't make any sense to break that out into a separate div; it's a sentence, and should remain so. As a developer I use this functionality in Markdown all the time: it's critical.
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