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Everything posted by PencilBoy99

  1. Will do. I think the issue is that I usually clip from blog sites. Blog sites typically have 3 panes, with the middle pane containing the text. Evernote correctly recognizes the middle pane as the real text to clip BUT then duplicates its margins as part of the formatting.
  2. When I clip a page or a selection with evernote web clipper whether I use simplified article or article it generates a very narrow page (much narrower than the source page). It somehow has margins but I don't see a way to adjust the margins. you can simplify formatting but then it doesn't look as cool
  3. You're right. it looks like it's synching everything because I can see the file titles. But it turns out it isn't taking up any space. Cool!
  4. Assuming that I haven't set any notebooks to be offline, what does Evernote sync on a mobile device. It LOOKS like it's syncing everything - there's no way I have large enough storage on my phone for every note i have. I think it just stores a snippet and not the whole note.
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