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Everything posted by dgn

  1. Okay I will try this one, this is which I did not tried. I will type the result in here.
  2. Actually I tried some of them, I tried 3 different network level, home, cellular, work, tbh all of them same, also before some date, the notebooks are shown very old version of my notebooks. Is there anyway like sync button or something or any command that I can use and see the error at least ?
  3. I'm not using evernote on my phone tbh, I'm using on 4 devices, tablet, windows computer, mac computer, and web version. The problem is there is not any pattern. I mean I can create a note on web or device does not matter in every time one of the notes are not synced, tbh I tried on web, the note also did not received by windows and mac device (desktop version)
  4. I tried from different devices, I created notebook and note on mac desktop app, then checked on Web, but did not work, I also deleted note on Web but it did not sync on mac device app.
  5. I have personal premium account, by the way I'm using Evernote maybe for 8 years, this is happening lately
  6. I have sync problem in my account in different devices, how can I fix this issue ? I'm using premium mobile, mac and web versions I did following actions - Sign in - sign out - remove install - update latest version check But still the problem is going on, it is really annoying because I can not rely on the app for my notes, so I can not use it.
  7. I have sync problem in my account in different devices, I'm using evernote on web, mobile and computer, but after I created note or notebook it is not showing on other devices which is main expectation from app. By the way I restarted, updated, logged-out and logged-in, waited more then a week, but still is the same. What can I do ?
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