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Posts posted by RustyC

  1. If they can incorporate AI in searches, I don't think basic page numbering and page breaks are too much to ask.

    Agreed.  Other than size limits,  I don't believe I've ever seen anything from Evernote that talks about what kind of "notes" you are limited to.  Why would you even think that you should limit a note to a certain size, or that notes are not "meant" to be printed?

    In general EN notes are websites - and on websites there are no "pages“.

    Really?  Says who?  In general, my notes are typically text that I select in the EN web clipper.  I rarely save an entire "page" on a website (yes, they are called "web pages")

    I'm not a regular on the forums, but it sure seems there are a LOT of very active users who are Evernote apologists.  Do they receive any compensation or consideration from Evernote?

  2. I want to be hopeful, but this really reads like significant shareholders and investors think they can’t do much more with EN and the only way to get a “big payday” is to sell. We’ll probably never know what EN was sold for, but it’s likely cheap enough that it indicates Bending Spoons was really just after some of the underlying technology with no intention of carrying EN forward. 

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  3. How could they remove something like “encryption” ? Or am I the only person who uses encryption? Trying to figure out what users really want or need is fine, but why not start with just porting over the features that are already in place. 

    What I heard him saying  is that they prefer to use survey results of hundreds of thousands of users, and just ignore the “passionate” members of the forum. Is that what I heard?

    • Thanks 1
  4. This has always been a pet peeve of mine.  Why wouldn't symbols be supported?  I mean, if I search for 'A' for example, I will get every note that contains the letter A, which would be all of them.  Why can't symbols be treated as characters.  It just makes no sense.  It would help so much when searching for stock symbols (preceded by $ on Twitter) for instance.  If I search for SHOP I get every note that contains the word SHOP instead of notes about Shopify. So a search for $SHOP would be most useful.   Again, this just makes no sense. 

    Why would they just say, "OK, we need a fantastic search tool since we are essentially a free-form database.  We're even going to search within photos.  But it makes sense to only allow search for alpha and numeric characters.  We'll ignore common symbols like # @ and $ because it would allow people to easily find hashtags, email addresses, and stock symbols.

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