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Everything posted by cbright07

  1. buddy, ive been using evernote for well over a decade, it's always been free to use, and didn't start strong-arming its users into paying until the last few. which actually is when the service quality took a nosedive. What used to be a simple service that just worked, is now plagued with connectivity issues, restricting user access, and every new iteration is slower and less intuitive than the last. I'm happy to pay a reasonable cost for a service that makes my life easier, but the past few years have been increasingly frustrating. frankly your "If you want to have access when you need it, pay us money" dismissive, elitist attitude is a straight up mob protection racket. Whether I am on a free tier or a paid tier, the service should provide the same level of connectivity. Fewer issues, bugs, problems, are not included in premium tiers. This has been a long time coming, but you just cemented it for me. There are an abundance competing platforms out there that I'm happy to throw my money at
  2. I use my notes for work, I cant afford to be locked out for a month. And clearly it doesn't matter if im not hopping devices, because i was locked out randomly and needed to revoke access multiple times to get back in
  3. I did. and now it allows me to use evernote web. But as a free user, i apparently only have 2 unsyncs left. If evernote decides to break again I will no longer be able to access my notes so i will be looking for alternatives
  4. i confirmed in the device sync settings that there were only 2 devices allowed. my mobile and web.
  5. this is also happening to me for the past week. I only had web and my mobile as allowed devices and web would not and still does not connect. update: it does now allow me to connect to web, however i needed to unsync web and connect to windows client, then unsync windows client to connect to web seeing as how i wasted 2 unsyncs on this problem caused by evernote, I will soon be switching to another platform.
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