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Techie Amar

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Posts posted by Techie Amar

  1. I use Evernote for work, when at office or home I refer to my Evernotes very frequently for my job tasks. 

    I use my email provider Doc service for a personal project. I have moved it to my Evernote as it's my favorite note editing tool, but the personal note shows up in the most recently edited notes which I might accidentally display it to others. 

    My current solution: I move the note to Trash, restore it to edit, then move it to Trash and so on, that's my solution to hiding it. 

  2. Feature suggestion:

    How about you add this feature, you know when I highlight a word or a sentence then add a Hyperlink to it, I would love if Evernote instead brings up a description box where I can add notes to a selected word or a sentence , something like sticky notes, so I can add my description. That will be great! As of know I'm using the Hyperlink sometimes to add the description to a text. 

    Thank you! Love Evernote for Ever! 

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