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Techie Amar

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Everything posted by Techie Amar

  1. If you allow segmenting the note into segments with symbol > for example to hide the section or expand it, this will save us the trouble of scrolling a lot down
  2. I use Evernote for work, when at office or home I refer to my Evernotes very frequently for my job tasks. I use my email provider Doc service for a personal project. I have moved it to my Evernote as it's my favorite note editing tool, but the personal note shows up in the most recently edited notes which I might accidentally display it to others. My current solution: I move the note to Trash, restore it to edit, then move it to Trash and so on, that's my solution to hiding it.
  3. Can we please have this option? I'd love to have some notes hidden and not listed all along other notes due to the info type inside. I know this feature request is not new, but want to renew it. Thanks!
  4. Feature suggestion: How about you add this feature, you know when I highlight a word or a sentence then add a Hyperlink to it, I would love if Evernote instead brings up a description box where I can add notes to a selected word or a sentence , something like sticky notes, so I can add my description. That will be great! As of know I'm using the Hyperlink sometimes to add the description to a text. Thank you! Love Evernote for Ever!
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