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Everything posted by sDGdsGdsGdSDSBsDB

  1. Thanks @Boot17 - I think that's exactly what I'll do - I just got used to the old easy way of right-clicking on a notebook and simply clicking "copy"! But given that my template notebook is fairly static, I would just need to import the ENEX file once for each new project, which isn't the end of the world. I'm still surprised this got removed, and it feels like it has to be only a matter of time before it's reimplemented in the new EverNote, but I'll do what you said for now, cheers!
  2. I love it when someone asks for something that's obviously important to them, only to be met with the response "Oh, you shouldn't want that" Sorry, but coping multiple notes (or ideally whole notebooks) is essential for some workflows, and it used to work. I hung on to Evernote Legacy for ages because of this. Here's the use case, just to show that we're really not all making it up: I write novels and screenplays. For each new project, I have a bunch of templated notes with lists of things to fill in for this project, like character sheets, plot beat sheets that need filling in etc. These all contain lots of text, but the point is that they THEN get edited for each new project. Just like filling in forms which have explanatory text. So in the old Evenote I used to set up a "template" Notebook with a note for each thing - Settings, Characters, Plot, Themes etc etc, then clone it every time I make a new project. In the new Evernote I have to go into my template Notebook and copy every single note one by one - there are twenty of these notes. So yes, please please let us copy multiple notes at once. They won't be duplicates for long, because the thing I'm copying is just a template that I want to edit, does that make sense?
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