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Everything posted by RsM

  1. Got it, I have converted all my links to "Shareable link" instead of "Invite someone" and everything works. Looks like when I start making my notes more complicated with imbedded videos or audios Postach.io is going to be the way to go. I appreciate your help esp. setting up a test on a private browser. Rob
  2. Thanks for the quick reply, You were right... it is confusing. When I click on a link to a child note it opens a login page to Evernote. Seems like a bad assumption on my part, if I gave the shar-ee the shareable link and and then went to the child note and gave them access by using the "invite someone" and their email, that would let them access the child note (without having to install evernote). So am I correct that using a add-in and converting the note to a webpage is really the only option for a shared note that has child links? If that is correct is Postach.io the only option?
  3. I have a note with multiple links to other notes and don't want the person I'm sharing the note with to get multiple emails before I send them "main note". They don't have Evernote. Just curious if there are any work arounds?
  4. Ok, it seems to have to do with the source of the pdf. I found another that does the same thing. Shared a link if you're interested. Thanks again... https://www.evernote.com/shard/s526/sh/e1a5e0f7-d821-a219-ed80-bf677ba583ec/4e656d0089e00ec662019ba2b19bc7bf
  5. Sorry, I'm a bit of a newb... https://www.evernote.com/shard/s526/sh/eaf351f3-0e27-c09d-ff2d-76c932c421e3/63a08d0c2d0a60cb93d2b9de9db5d5b8 Also, not sure how to make it editable.
  6. Thanks, I'll try that. I am on a pc if that makes a dif. Here is a link if anyone can help https://www.evernote.com/shard/s526/nl/89955532/eaf351f3-0e27-c09d-ff2d-76c932c421e3?title=twelve practical steps you can take right now to get your Second Brain started
  7. First, thanks for the quick reply. Good to know how EN "inherit" works. I still got the same results after changing note width to readability and pasting right after the last character in 1. I tried pasting with both paste options. Wondering now if it is a problem with copy and pasting text from a pdf.
  8. Curious if there Is a way to wrap pasted text other that manually? I've tried all the pasting / formatting options and can't get it to work. In the image below it shows how paragraphs get truncated when viewing in a narrow page view.
  9. Thanks, this is good to know since my database is close to 10yrs old and has close to 30k notes and does get a little wonky sometimes.
  10. Thank you very much, this solved it for me. I appreciate the help.
  11. Yes, the note was found without the „stack:“ argument Yes, that was a typo.
  12. I tried "stack:RSRC sidecar" (minus the quotes) and got no results. My Stack is named RCRS I have about 10 sub-stacks and one of them has a note in it with the word "sidecar"
  13. Is there any way to search for a keyword inside of a notebook stack?
  14. I may have assumed (wrongly) that the "&" in the tag name caused problems when I searched by tag name on Android. Sometimes the search would return no notes (or fewer) than EN on Windows. I now noticed that if I just stay on the search results (on Android) it will eventually show all the notes. My second assumption was that when I hit the sync button on my phone that it would update the number of notes with a specific tag but it doesn't. So the take away is "&" in a tag name is fine but syncing on Android does not update the number of notes with a specific tag, but by staying on the search page (on Android) all the notes would eventually show up. It would be nice to have a definitive list of symbols to avoid in tag names but your post definitely got me on the right track.
  15. Little embarrassed that I've been using EN 10 years and didn't know this. Could you let me know why & shouldn't be used in tag names? I didn't see it called out as a control function (in the links) and am not sure what EN does with it. I appreciate the help.
  16. Makes sense. A practice that I will be adopting.
  17. Thank you, this helps. I had tags with *, -, (), & instead of "and". My searches were always missing some notes. And the Evernote "Tips for organizing notes, notebooks, and tags" added to the confusion by recommending: Examples For notebooks: All notebook titles begin with a one-word prefix for the department or group that owns it. So, all Sales department notebooks, for example, would begin with “Sales:” as in “Sales:Reports” For notes: All meeting-related notes all start with the date in the note title as in “2014-09-05 Weekly PM Meeting” For tags: All tags that refer to a project or release phase begin with an asterisk (*) symbol as in “*alpha”, “*design”, or “*pending” from: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006097
  18. What symbols or punctuations are allowed in tag names? I saw one forum post that said that the underscore is the only the only thing allowed in tag names and another post that recommended an asterisk at the beginning of a tag name. When I search by tag name on Android some of the results return all of my notes and sometimes the search only returns some of my notes.
  19. Thanks for the response, by "share" I meant "clipped" to EN. Android gives you the option to share notes to other programs like Evernote, Pocket, Gmail, etc. I attached a link to a youtube video screen capture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YUvQGUQmTY that shows what happens in you interested.
  20. Am I correct, that there is no easy way to add a new tag while sharing a note to Evernote in Android (exp. same on iPad also)? The only option EN gives me is to choose an existing tag.
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