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Posts posted by Lemons

  1. We need the ability to default search to selective notebooks on a unique computer. When I'm at work, I don't want to search for something work-related and have personal items appear. I have 2 notebooks I want the search to default on when I'm on my work laptop.

    The idea to use a free account with shared notebooks works, but the constant purchase popups are ridiculous for a paying customer.

  2. I contacted support and they said they tried to fix it and it caused performances issues. Here is the full response:

    I sincerely apologize that we provided you this experience. It is the exact opposite of what we pride ourselves on. We value our customers and understand how important it is to offer you exceptional service.

    I can confirm that this is something we are aware of and our development team is investigating. Unfortunately, we've tried to put fixes in place that seemed to have created performance issues, so it turns out to be more challenging to address as we thought.

    In all transparency, since the beginning of the year, we've been busy working on revamping major component of the app, including the syncing mechanism, our backend infrastructure, our note editor to only name a few. This work has been the most priority company-wide and has been affecting the priority of other issues. If you'd like to read more about what e're up to, I invite you to read the latest blog post of our CEO Ian Small — Mid-Year Review: Our Progress so Far, and How You Can Help.


     it doesn’t say whether the problem will be fixed but we should be excited that they are ignoring the issue for now due to new features!


  3. All my apps are closed except Evernote. I search for something, open it, then switch to home screen. After 5 seconds, I switch back to EN and BAM, I'm back to search string with no search text. I need to type my search in again to find my note.

    This is unacceptable that it has not been fixed. I have both my IOS and Evernote on the latest version and it seems that everyone has had this issue for many months. Then you have the nerve to keep asking me to upgrade to a higher cost plan. I've been a customer for years and I'm planning to look for alternatives.

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