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Posts posted by PhilRSoT

  1. Like all Evernote users we are fighting the supposedly 'improved' new versions : now we are informed that occasional use of someone else's laptop to access our data won't be possible as this will be classed as an additional user.

    There's one hell of a difference between a few minutes use perhaps once a week and routine use from a Web interface.

    Evernote continues to go down the route of deliberately making its program ever less attractive to its users !

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  2. I'm running the current version of Firefox (79.0) under 64-bit Windows.

    Since the recent update, the Evernote web clipper doesn't work in private mode - fact it says "Not Allowed in Private Windows" and "This extension does not run while private browsing."

    There was no problem before - can this please be looked at as a matter of uregency.

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  3. On 4/14/2020 at 5:20 PM, Shane D. said:

    Hi all, 

    We’re excited to share that we’ve updated our MS Edge and Firefox Web Clipper extensions with a new and more modern user interface. All of the features and functions you know and love are still there, just with a refreshed look and feel. 

    Update today and let us know what you think!

    MS Edge


    As always, feel free to start a thread if you have feedback, or you can reach out to me directly if you have any other questions!


    Windows 10 64-bit fully updated

    Unfortunately, the Web clipper for both Firefox and Chrome don't work in private / incognoto mode. The information about the Firefox clipper in the addons manager says 'Not Allowed in Private Windows'.

    I have several sites which I need to access regularly and save sections which I must run in private mode : please get this clipper fixed asap !


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