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Everything posted by wilderbydesign

  1. Hi there -- I just started using the newer version of Evernote because I set up a new computer -- I depend greatly on Reminders -- it's my running to-do list of tasks for each day and how I organize my client work. I am not enjoying the new default view and hoping someone can help me adjust it for LIST VEIW: 1) "Reminder Date" -- it it not helpful for me to see the time in the left hand list -- it's visual clutter -- how can I remove this? 2) "Reminder Date" -- it's no longer saying "today" or "yesterday" or "tomorrow" -- I find this MUCH more helpful than seeing a long list of dates -- I rarely know what today's date is and it's much easier for me to quickly see what I have to do today under "today" -- again -- a bunch of dates is VISUAL clutter for me -- "today" pulls it out quickly... Can I change this somewhere in the settings? Thanks!
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