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  1. ln899's post in Note Links Not Working was marked as the answer   
    OK, so for me anyhow, Evernote 10.114.4 fixed it.  See the release notes: "Fixes an issue where linked notes sometimes failed to open properly if not accessed directly through the Notes list."
  2. ln899's post in "Recent searches" Frozen was marked as the answer   
    The Evernote help system has sent me a note about this thread, asking "Did any of these replies answer your question?"  The answers is not yet. So far as I can see, there's a bug in the Windows version.  So I guess the solution is up to the good people at Bending Spoons.
  3. ln899's post in How Get a Disappeared Note List Column Back on Windows 10? was marked as the answer   
    This is not a "solution" per se, but as I continue to become more familiar with v10, I have discovered that there is a simple and perhaps too obvious way to avoid this issue.
    (1) Open the search menu.
    (2) Type in your search term(s).
    (3) Hit return without clicking on any of the items presented in the Go to . . . list.
    For me, again in my Windows 10 desktop setup, this presents me with the good old, three-pane view, with what appears to be pretty much the same "Go to . . ." list options, now displayed in the center-left Notes List
  4. ln899's post in How Convert Table to Plain Text? was marked as the answer   
    @Dave-in-Decatur, yes, this does it.
    The box around the content is kind of a baby blue, with a boxed arrow in the upper right corner that opens a drop down menu. One of the options is "Delete Table."  There is no option for simplifying format and no magic wand. So I think it is a table.
    In sum, here's what works:
    (1) Select the whole table (not just the text)
    (2) Copy the whole thing
    (3) Move the cursor out of the box, and then use Paste and match style (ctrl+shift+v), which seems to be the same as paste plain text.
    (4) Delete the table by selecting the whole table and using the drop down menu in the upper right corner.
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