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Posts posted by rabarberski

  1. I think that actually Evernote's note editor is actually pretty stripped-down; not that many bells and whistles. I just tried Microsoft Word 2010 (a program that has many bells & whistles, if ever there was one); that doesn't support the Shift+Alt+Arrow shortcut either.

    In Word 2007 this shortcut does work. However, I find Word's UI responsiveness for this shortcut a bit slow (only a few microseconds, but still..), so it doesn't really feel very natural using it.

    And you can always cut'n'paste. So I don't really see this as quite so "glaring".

    If you have never used this feature, I understand your response. I never felt a need for it either, until I discovered the feature in Eclipse and started using it. It is a very natural way of moving paragraphs, once you get used to it. And I miss it in the editors that don't have it.

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