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Posts posted by fri

  1. 9 hours ago, michaelgfindlay said:

    How can this be confusing to the support team? If you have a number of reminders it should be possible to display these in the order in which they will occur.

    Do you have a link to the support ticket? This has rendered Evernote pretty useless to me. It's one of the main uses I have for it.

    Support is given by email, but after 3 emails they still have no idea what to do (and maybe still what the problem is), they only want to have the activity protocol, very poor service indeed ... maybe you are more lucky!

  2. I have just downgraded - there are so many features missing, too many bugs, I can not understand how to promote such a poor version! This is not just a mobile game, many people organize their work & life with this platform and pay a lot of money for it, I am really angry about this release! (and I have seen some of it in the last 8 years I have been a premium subscriber...)

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