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About merlenec

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  1. Not sure how to communicate with the head of Evernote, hopefully they are monitoring this forum topic. I am also leaving Evernote. What’s absolutely sad about this is that I’ve been a subscribed member since 2008. Evernote have been the source of my electronic storage life. I gave up paper filing over a decade ago and Evernote has been my one stop for all my information. Now I am forced to find another way. Why? Because a company I’ve come to rely on decided that there core subscription base doesn’t matter. We couldn’t possibly matter if outrite they’ve decided to put new an existing members in the same category. So what if I’ve subscribed over a decade. Your subscription is doubling too. the funny thing is I understand the need for survival in this ever increasing technological world. They need to keep up, they need the resource to finally listen and make changes that matter, but new owner, care about your base. Give them a reason to stay. Show we matter by grandfathering the subscribers who’ve subscribed for so long and stayed with you inspite of the shortfalls of this tool. Yes, I am leaving Evernote. I will not renew. I do not want to be apart of a company that in one act shows that they do not care. I have a choice new owner and you helped me to decide that choice in not to continue with you. Because you’ve showed me you don’t give a sh*t about me. Best of luck, I will cancel before March 9th 2024.
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