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Marcelo Blum

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Everything posted by Marcelo Blum

  1. This is not the reality. I did what you suggested a few times, creating clean installs,,. They are in truth pushing updates all the time. Yesterday I updated my version to the latest and today I got another update with a different version and build....
  2. Thanks for the feedback. I really don´t mind if some duplicated notes appear, as long as I don´t lose information. Sometimes I have 10/15 duplicated notes, what is annoying but we can live with it. What pisses me off is facing lots of crashes with content loss during meeting and classes. Sometimes I have two/three pages of typed information and suddenly I lose everything. Since yestesday I got another update and almost every day I have a new one. It shows desperation to fix things quickly what would be good but everyday updates are much of a proof that they are totally lost as good products have better Quality Assurance and less updates. Let´s hope they improve and we don´t need to chose another solution.
  3. Thanks, Mike for the answer but last week I deleted the previous Evernote Windows install and got the latest version from the Evernote site and installed it. After that Evernote keept pushing me new versions almost every day and I always accepted the upgrades so it comes to my mind that Evernote is creating lots of builds that doesn´t work so what is the racionale of releasing too much builds that got obsolete in a week... In my humble opinion it reinforces the disaster of the Evernote development team job. As I said, I use Evernote since the company inception and It is core tool in my life. I always have the latest versions of every software I use and my complains are not related to specific versions but to the whole company policy in terms of taking care of the product core reliability and I suffer such problems for a long time. My laptop is a 12 core Core I7 with 32 GB of RAM and with a fully updated OS. Following your advide, I just forced the upgrade to the latest version and I will observe the behavior. If you have had a reliable experience with Evernote along the last 2 years, please let me know how to get it, because my experience has been really disappointing. All the best ! Marcelo
  4. I've been a paying Evernote user since the beginning and have always trusted the product, but for a few months now it's been impossible to use the product. I tend to use Evernote in meetings, classes and trainings, capturing screenshots and taking notes and calls and the reliability is terrible. The product loses everything that was written and we have to write it all over again dozens of times. Lately I have to take notes in Word and trying to bring notes back to Evernote I end up missing screen shots. I'm sorry but it's no use adding new features if the product's basic reliability is poor. The company will close if it doesn't focus on reliability. I'm using a v. 10.3.7 build 2018 Public Editor v.111.0.14414 Service v1.22.6 In addition, several old notes lost their editability and became a monolithic HTML, making editing difficult. Sincerely, if I were the CEO of this company I would fire the entire leadership team because it's been a sub-critical job. UNFORTUNATE !!!!! How do you want to maintain yourself or even grow if you don't deliver even the basics.... Yours sincerely, Marcelo Blum Sou usuário pagante do Evernote desde o início e sempre confiei no produto mas de alguns meses para cá está impossível usar o produto. Eu costumo usar o Evernote em reuniões, aulas e treinamentos, capturando screen shots e fazendo anotações e inserindo links e a confiabilidade está terrível. O produto perde tudo o que foi escrito e temos que escrever tudo de novo dezenas de vezes. Ultimamente tenho que anotar no Word e ao tentar trazer as notas de volta para o Evernote acabo perdendo os screen shots. Eu lamento mas de nada adianta acrescentar recursos novos se o básico de confiabilidade do produto está sofrível. A empresa vai fechar se não focar na confiabilidade. Estou usando a v. 10.3.7 build 2018 public Editor v.111.0.14414 Serviço v1.22.6 Além disso várias notas antigas perderam a editabilidade e passaram a ser um HTML monolitico dificultando a edição. Sinceramente se eu fosse o CEO dessa empresa demitiria a equipe de liderança inteira porque está sendo um trabalho abaixo da crítica. LAMENTÁVEL !!!!! Como vocês querem se manter ou mesmo crescer se não entregam nem o básico.... Atenciosamente, Marcelo Blum
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