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Maureen Luckhurst

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Posts posted by Maureen Luckhurst

  1. I am desperate for photo to become the default instead of Auto.  The camera always goes to auto and now if I do get the camera to go to photo it freezes and won't allow me to compose the image.  If I want to go back into a note I cannot add a photo unless it is Auto which often takes images I dont want !!!My business uses Evernote all the time and has done for many years but in becoming more sophisticated it has become much worse to use and you can wait days for Evernote help to get back to you.  Please stop developing and address the problems you already have Evernote please. The other thing is that the drop down box for inserts cuts off the top of 

  2. Totally agree. although now working reasonably well on our iMacs albeit it fairly slowly it is a complete disaster on iPads.  My interior design business has run on Evernote for 7 years with no problems, we are now having to take notes in clients houses using pen and paper - a totally retrograde step.  Please Evernote get it sorted soon.  You literally have cost me so much time and money in wasted staff hours, having to go back on site because images have disappeared and made us look like amateurs instead of the slick professionals we used to be.   And by the way your "help and feedback" is totally worse than useless.  Is there really nothing I can do to get real help ????  I will put these comments on social media to see if anyone else is having the same problem as somehow I don't think this will even get past your moderator

  3. On 9/17/2020 at 12:37 AM, achu1010 said:

    While looking like it will become a good app one the development is fit-for-purpose, v10 on ipados14 is very buggy indeed and clearly has not been rigorously tested. It is currently a beta version. I will not open it again until undated as I am fearful of deviant sync from flaky migration of note to v10, and the risk destroying my last several days work as other users have reported.

    ps tell those AGILE ideologues that they are reputation destroyers, and make sure proper testing is undertaken before an alpha release... this v10 makes you look bad (even though the deign and function intent looks really good - if you can get it to work as intended).


  4. once an annotation has been placed on an Image and saved it is impossible to go back I and change the words or figures. You can highlight the annotation but  as the keyboard will not appear or the cursor you cannot change any previous facts or measurements placed on the image.

    Most of the time when you click on an image in a note to annotate it there is only a blank white screen with the arrow and colour show but no image.  either on or off line.  I used to be able to work offline for hours in a clients house, that is now impossible.

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