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Paul Excabaa

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Posts posted by Paul Excabaa

  1. 11 hours ago, Powerfab said:

    I'm at the same juncture. 

    I bought Nimbus on a whim several months back and toyed with it but didn't apply any serious time to it. Having waited for V10 to improve, I'm at a stage where documented issues are not getting resolved in a timely manner and the recent updates have been more about window dressing than resolving bugs. For example, it's unacceptable for a tag search or filter to provide a null return and this has been flagged in other posts since V10 was released. 

    I'm in the process of importing all my 17,500 notes into Nimbus and then I'll give it a proper stress test. Doubtless it has issues too, some of which are documented here, but their agility and responsiveness in addressing problems and introducing useful new features is streets ahead of Evernote. 

    I'll run duplicate notes across both applications for a period. I'm not yet ditching Evernote, but it is on its final warning. 

    Hi Powerfab, do let us know how it goes.  What i gather from this thread is that Nimbus is slow when there are a lot of notes.  
    Saw Tomcal's comment on Nimbus above in this thread about Nimbus being slow after his notes are imported.
    Thanks in advance.


  2. The 10.3 version is still too slow to use. 

    I just encountered the unable to sync error in Legacy Evernote.  I've encountered it twice in the last week.
    Not sure if anyone has encountered it also.  Sigh.

    Not sure what the Evernote is trying to achieve ... Driving customers away to another platform ?

    This is really quite sad as I have used the software for more than a decade.  
    I hope whoever is in charge manages it.  

  3. Yes.  I don't believe we are forced to accept something that is so slow without consultation.  If it is not ready, pls do more serious work before forcing it down everyone's throat.  

    Evernote management pls do something about it.   I hope we don't have to protest outside of this forum before the message is heard and action is taken to care for the customer's experience.

    I will be seriously looking for an alternative if nothing is done about it.

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  4. Dear Sir, can we pls disable this popup?  It is unnecessarily affecting productivity of Evernote Windows user.  Worst still, sometimes it give me the wrong impression that the client has hanged especially when this popup is hidden by other windows which happens sometimes.
    One popup is enough, it doesn't help to popup every time when a Microsoft Office doc is dragged onto the Evernote Note.  I will upgrade to Premium when I am ready to upgrade to it.
    Pls don't cripple a good product by this nagware popup.  

    evernote premium popup.jpg

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