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Everything posted by LiftHeavy

  1. Allow me to correct you. I wasn't telling Mac what his opinion should be. I said that Obsidian is better than Evernote because it's free and you can do 100x more things with it. This is what I said: And I'll say it again. Do whatever you want.
  2. This thread was created to discuss the limiting of free accounts. I suggest that if Evernote is truly the better app, then there's no need to censor posts about alternative apps. If Evernote is truly the better app, then it should stand its ground against criticisms. A wise man once said that a minivan is better than a Ferrari if you have a family of 5. You continue driving your minivan. I'll continue driving my Ferrari.
  3. @mackid1993 I appreciate the list you wrote even though I disagree with it. No, I didn't come back to troll. I came back to share my findings with people; people deserve to know there's better alternatives out there. But by all means, continue paying hundreds of dollars for Evernote. It's your life. Do what you want. I'm literally pointing you to a better app, but you do you. Yes, you have more posts than me. I guess that means you're right and I'm wrong. I concede. You win this round.
  4. @PinkElephant @mackid1993 @gazumped Hey guys, you may remember me from a couple months ago when I complained about Evernote limiting free users. I argued that this will cause many people to leave Evernote. Since we live in a free market, there will always be free options available. How's this change working out for Evernote? Is the company profitable now? Did the company gain more users? Are speeds noticeably faster? Within days, I switched all my notes over to Obsidian. I'm confident you all know what Obsidian is. I never heard about it until Evernote forced me to switch apps. And now I'm glad they did. It's better in every way. That's the beauty of a free market. In my opinion, Evernote will continue struggling. In fact, this may have been the nail in the coffin. Time will tell. They're charging way too much in the wrong space. There are so many good and free apps out there. I honestly wish you guys all the best. But wow, how can you even compete with Obsidian?
  5. I really want to continue this discussion with you guys but I gotta go do stuff. I said my rant. All the best to you guys.
  6. I suggest you read the Inifinate Game by Simon Sinek. Very good book. Also, yes, I agree that something needed to change. 100%. But I'd argue that ads would have been a better first choice than offloading free users. And that's coming from someone who absolutely despises ads. That way, Evernote still retains it's user base and generates the revenue it needs. I want Evernote to succeed. I'm just really skeptical about this move.
  7. Yes, Evernote will gain some paid users (which is good). They will also lose many free users (which is bad, not good). My position is that the loss of free users outweighs the gains of paid users in the long run. I just want to mention that I'm studying microeconomics right now. If the market demand curve is elastic, Evernote is in trouble. I believe it's elastic because we're in a competitive market and there are hundreds of free apps out there. Again, time will tell.
  8. Correct. My point is that if this update has negative impacts on Evernote, they will need to generate revenue from somewhere else to stay in business. One option is through advertising revenue. However, if their user base drastically decreases, it will mean less advertising revenue in the future. That’s why losing users now is bad. It reduces “future money”. Incorrect. Evernote will lose “future money”. It’s a big topic but to put it simply: less users means less future opportunities. It may benefit current paying users, but it will definitively hurt future opportunities. Again, I want to say that Evernote is the best app I’ve ever used.
  9. On the contrary, having less users will affect Evernotes future abilities. For example, advertising revenue (an avenue they may need to go down), future bargaining power, etc. Yes, having less users will free up resources for paying users to consume (which is great for current users, but bad for future prospects). I'd argue the trade off isn't worth it. Remember, the goal is to gain revenue in a market that offers free apps. Time will tell my friend.
  10. I'm a free user. I'm very sad and disappointed to see this update. Evernote is the best notetaking app out there. Unfortunately, this update will cause many people to leave. We live in a competitive market that offers hundreds of free apps. Restricting previously free features will cause many people to switch apps. This is the beauty of a competitive market. I think the Evernote team will quickly find that the market demand curve is very elastic. In other words, this update will cause Evernote to lose money in the long run. For the people who are sticking around, keep an eye on your rates. If too many people leave, Evernote will be forced to raise their rates. I wish you guys the best. Seriously the best app out there.
  11. Bump. I'm shocked that Evernote is ignoring my question. If matej1990 can reproduce the problem, then clearly it's effecting more people than just myself.
  12. Hey team. Recently Evernote made some huge updates. The new app looks so clean and fresh - I'm really impressed. However, I've noticed one issue and that is the quality of sketches. When drawing, the images are crisp and clean as shown below: But the images get saved as low quality: How can I fix this? Evernote 10.6 on an Android S10+.
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