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Everything posted by ADG

  1. I love the fact that there is now a searchable list of keyboard shortcuts that can be brought up with a keyboard shortcut. However, I have to grab my mouse and click the "X" to close it when I'm done. Intuitively, I would have expected the Escape key to close it out, would be great if we don't need the mouse to cancel it.
  2. I didn't mention any missing features, I mentioned things that are broken. Not being able to edit encrypted text isn't a missing feature, it's broken. And yes, I'm still on the legacy version as a result of the instability of the new one for something I rely on every day.
  3. Not all of my notes show up. I have notes that were created prior to v10.3.6 that do NOT show up in mac v10.3.7, but show up in iOS, old 7.14 mac, and on the web. Note count in v10.3.7 differs drastically (> 100) from reality. v7.14 and the web at least are only off by 1. I can't edit notes without Evernote giving an error message that I'm out of sync and need to reload, but reload doesn't fix it and it's the same process over and over. if it does let me edit, it's not saving the changes. I also had the issue others mentioned where notebooks I previously left randomly showed back up in my list of notebooks with v10.3.6, which, even though I left the notebooks (again), may account for the note count difference in #2, although the notes are definitely no longer around. As previously reported elsewhere, lack of ability to use encryption seems like a pretty major oversight to be left out in the new version. I realize this was likely deliberate based on % of people who use the feature, but remember those same people are also likely the "power-users" who use this frequently and pay for subscriptions. I'm terrified to use this new version stand-alone in fear that I'll lose a day (or more) worth of data before I notice it's not saving changes like what happened to me during Beta/Preview period THAT WAS NEVER ADDRESSED. The lack of ability to know my data is truly saved and safe seems like a major gap that needs addressed.
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