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Tyler Arbogast

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Posts posted by Tyler Arbogast

  1. I have various emailed receipts that I have received. Some of them are just plain text. When trying to save them to Evernote through the Gmail addin (using Gmail on Chrome on Windows 10), I get a message saying "Spam and suspicious messages can’t be used for recommended content or actions. Try searching messages in your inbox." It won't let me add these messages to Evernote, even though they are not actually or identified by Gmail as spam. Has anyone else seen this issue? Do you know what is triggering it and how to stop it so I can save these receipts?

  2. On 1/29/2020 at 12:45 AM, neurongrower said:

    I disagree. It's odd to force users to pay for basic functionality that costs the company no extra to provide. I'm not talking about quota, just the number of devices you can access your notes from. The whole program is completely unusable once exceeded. It is blatant, shameful money-grabbing. 

    I strongly disagree. First of all, it's not true that it doesn't cost the company any extra to provide. But even if it did, this is commerce, you're not forced to use their product, you want to use it. If you want to use something that someone else is offering, you can accept their price or not, but trying to claim that disagreeing with their price is "money grabbing" is just incorrect. What Evernote does is no different than what tons of other companies do. Take newspapers (Washington Post, NY Times, LA Times, just to name a few) - they offer some limited amount of service for free (e.g., 5 free articles a month) - and charge you if you want more. Even if it didn't "cost" them anything extra to provide you more articles, charging you for them is far from money grabbing - it's just running a business. Some could say you're just trying to "service-grab" by demanding something to which you are not entitled. 

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