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Everything posted by anpoet

  1. I do know how to use Notebooks! but I wanted to designate a notebook as the Default for when I email things into Evernote.
  2. ok! I do have a Mac though. I'm confused. Is there a way to use Evernote that is on the Mac but not on the web?
  3. thank you. that looks nice but I don't see that menu at all. No Evernote dropdown. Only Chrome.
  4. The directions say this, but I don't see a "general" tab and I don't see that option. Actually I don't even see Preferences - only Settings. Where are these things? Please help. Thanks! Select Evernote > Preferences... from the menu bar. In the 'General' tab, next to "By default, place new notes into the following notebook:", select the notebook you'd like to set as your default.
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