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Everything posted by dguillaume

  1. Me too When I paste a picture from the Snip tool - Windows 10 Pro (Public release) all updates. Anyone raised this with Evernote? Thanks David
  2. I want to be able to interact with it when needed to update the list, or even check tick boxes without actually opening evernote, I know lots of people want this, is their any way to formally submit ideas to Evernote?
  3. I want to be able to see the whole note, view only as quickly as possible, this is possible with other apps but none of them are as powerful as Evernote
  4. Hi All, I know this has been asked before, but is their any way to display a single note on the home screen. Examples of when this would be useful - Task list, Shopping list. Their is an app that offers this feature - http://stickytext.android.informer.com/ but it just crashes on my phone. Thanks David
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