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Posts posted by michaelmccallum

  1. Hi everyone

    A copy of a support request I sent is below:

    Key notes that I have been updating for 4+ years have been automatically deleted (not by me - sole access to my devices) along with my trash.

    This happened about 3 or 4 days and was on top of the same disappearing notes not synching across devices.

    I have run through all of the work around without any success - I am sincerely hoping there is a back up of my notes on the EN server.

    Evernote - seriously a 10 day turn around?


    Hello - long time premium user but at this rate I wont be much longer.

    I have quite a few notes that have disappeared along with my trash - some of the notes are running  notes that go back more than 4 years so you can understand my frustration. One for example is Weekly SM running sheet and I update this every day.

    I have done all of the suggested things to recover the notes and its nowhere to be found along with my Trash.  I did not delete either item and would like a full restore please.

    Disappearing notes goes to the heart of your promise and I'd hope this is a one and only occurrence.

    Lastly the new version of EN is horrible - the UI is very unintuitive - you cant find the sync button and even the minimise/maximise option has to be manually added, seriously? Please for the love of all things holy don't do gratuitous changes like this.

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