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  1. beirne's post in Can't scan to the cloud with my ScanSnap scanner was marked as the answer   
    I got scanning to the cloud working with ScanSnap Home on my Mac. Fujitsu/Ricoh put in a lot of effort to help me. For future reference here's the problem and the solution.
    Problem: I have moved and have a new Wi-Fi network and ISP. The scan button would not go to green/yellow like it is supposed to.
    Solution: Delete the scanner from the ScanSnap Home settings. Unplug the scanner and restart the Mac. After the Mac is restarted, connect the scanner to the Mac with a USB cable, plug in the scanner and open it up. Add the scanner back to ScanSnap Home and set up the Wi-Fi.
    My kudos to ScanSnap support. They got it working and put in a lot of time on an 11-year old scanner. I know what brand of scanner I'm buying again.
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