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Everything posted by karelmasat

  1. It's happening to me on all my computers (Windows). I have a premium account and always download the newest version. After re-installing, it works. However, after the next start of the computer, the same message appears again.
  2. I am not the one, who should dictate (business) strategy to Evernote. I came to express my wish (as a premium user, registered for more than 10 years). I have understood the fact, that some type of AI search functionality will be premium functionality paid by extra fee and I am willing to do that. I provided you an example of a service, which has its own business model and its not connected with Evernote at all just to demonstrate, how helpful it can be. The price calculation should be surely different for Evernote, just simply multiply the price per PDF page is not a very clever price comparison (when it comes to thinking 😉 ). I still feel, that Evernote is becoming a "boomer" in the area of this types of applications, and it is a pity. To think about things that it is not possible, because.. just as a reaction to everything new... , well ok, let's continue in polishing the "Dashboard" - the really 90's thing.
  3. Well, it depends, but for me, paying a bit more would be acceptable, I am using Evernote for more than 10 years, and having the possibility of much more better search functionality would be really valuable. Its not something, that is not just an actual trend, it is something that will define the future (from my point of view). Evernote is for many reasons a perfect piece of software (I really like it), but I feel, that it started to be a bit "behind" ... and no, the new dashboard will not change this trend.
  4. My bad, wrong URL, use this: https://humata.ai/ its really cool.
  5. Because I am using Evernote as a personal knowledge system, it would be great to ask AI (e.g. https://app.humata.ai/) questions on my data, enriched by some general Open AI model.
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